The app allows you to create grocery lists.
If you receive any error running the app on IOS or Android Try The Following.
Make sure React Native Gesture Handler is installed and linked.
To install npm install --save react-native-gesture-handler
and then make sure to link it react-native link react-native-gesture-handler
GitHub link
Make sure React Native Reanimated is installed and linked.
To install npm install react-native-reanimated
and then make sure to link it react-native link react-native-reanimated
GitHub link
Make sure React Native Screens is installed and linked.
To install npm install react-native-screens
and then make sure to link it react-native link react-native-screens
GitHub link
If you get the following error Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Native module RNDeviceModule tried to override RNDeviceModule for module name RNDeviceInfo. If this was your intention, set canOverrideExistingModule=true
go to
and look for any lines or function what are listed twice.
GitHub link to similar issue
If you get the following error react-native-image-picker: NativeModule.ImagePickerManager is null. To fix this issue try these steps
make sure React Native Image Picker is installed and linked.
To install npm install react-native-image-picker
and then make sure to link it react-native link react-native-image-picker
GitHub link
and link to issue
New issue with expo was fixed by downgrading to v0.28.0 see github issue
If you get an error regarding react-native-prompt-android make sure it's installed npm i react-native-prompt-android --save
and then make sure it's linked react-native link react-native-prompt-android
- Create functions so the user can add images to the product.
- Fix bug where image is not displayed when uploading on android.
- Possible error for android - make sure asyncStorage is set to a string.
- Add function to create items for when a user clicks done disable the button so they won't be able to add the item more than one.
- Change keyword type for item buying price in add items.
- Add activity loaded for images in items, view item, and add item.
- Fix issue where token is invalid after loggin. - This issue should be resolved.
- Create Android and IOS icons for ther apps.
- local change in UpdateItem change from array values to $request->input() values
- local change fix mysql error for email fields
- local change allow image_id in items migration to be nullable.
- Important place all routes in middleware.
- fix issue with uploading images, when a new picture is taken there is no file name, if there is no file name then create one else just leave the original filename.
- create settings migration and enable stay logged in.
- Add function for changing password.
- Important find away to disable users from viewing the application on the web.
Create push notifications.
- Create notification for adding new lists.
- Create notification when the list is completed.
Add pulldown refresh for items and lists.
Create backend function to calculate if the list is completed.
Find solutions for making all api requests in one file. currently we have to call the function getToken() in every screen/component and set the token in the state. the ideal solution would be to have the getToken() function once in api.js and make all request there.
Migrate from npm to Yarn
Fix issue where the user will have to close and reopen the app if the email or password is incorrect.
Remove AsyncStorage from react-native and use react-native-community package.
Remove usage from componentWillMount().
codepush push update for ios - appcenter codepush release-react -a -d Production
codepush push update for android - appcenter codepush release-react -a -d Production