Weather gradient is a small library allowing to determine the RGB color at a given value in an interval bounded by a combination of a minimum value and a color and a combination of a maximum value and a color.
In addition to the minimum and maximum limits, it is possible to add as many thresholds as desired.
Use Composer to install Weather Gradient in your project :
composer require "zhb/weather-gradient"
$colors = [
0 => [59, 130, 246], // blue
30 => [239, 68, 68], // red
// create a gradient from given thresholds
$gradient = Gradient::fromColors($colors);
// get the RGB color at a specific gradient position
$color = $gradient->colorAtGradientPosition(18);
// print the color
echo $color; // rgb(167, 92, 139)
// or get r, g, b values
$r = $color->getR();
$g = $color->getG();
$b = $color->getB();
In addition to the Gradient class, you can use the Contrast::darkOrLight(array $rgb) to determine if a dark or light text fit the best with the given rgb color.
// $bestColor will contain [255, 255, 255] (white)
$bestColor = Contrast::darkOrLight($darkBlue = [85, 101, 242]);
// $bestColor will contain [0, 0, 0] (black)
$bestColor = Contrast::darkOrLight($lightBlue = [59, 130, 246]);
A usage example can be found in example folder.