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Vault GUI is a very small lightweight application designed to mimic a basic banking system. Its designed to replicate systems similar to those that you'd find at places like mykidsbank. It allows you the freedom to manage the financial systems of your dreams, from admin accounts, user accounts, transactions, loans, interest, collateral. All in a easy to use application, just enter some basic information such as your MYSQL ip address, login information and let the application handle the rest.
Easycompile is a small script for windows, linux, and macos that'll fetch the most up to date version of the application (master branch) and compile it locally. Downloading all neccarry components to compile the application
winget install Git.Git; winget install Rustlang.Rustup; cd ~; git clone https://github.com/Xanthus58/vault_gui; cd vault_gui; cargo build --release; cd .\target\release; mv vault_gui.exe ..\..\; cd ..\..\; rm -r .\target\; .\vault_gui.exe
sudo su; apt install git; curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh; cd ~; git clone https://github.com/Xanthus58/vault_gui; cd vault_gui; cargo build --release; cd ./target/release; mv vault_gui.exe ../../; cd ../../; rm -r ./target/; ./vault_gui.exe
xcode-select --install; curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh; cd ~; git clone; https://github.com/Xanthus58/vault_gui; cd vault_gui; cargo build --release; sudo cp ./target/release/vault_gui /usr/local/bin/vault_gui; exec zsh -l; vault_gui