This is the implementation of the method proposed in "ReLoc: A Restoration-Assisted Framework for Robust Image Tampering Localization" with Pytorch(1.9.0 + cu102). The aim of this repository is to achieve robust image tampering localization.
- codes
- models: codes of SCSEUnet [1]
- MVSS_net: codes of MVSSNet [2]
- code of DFCN [3]
- SCUNet_main: codes of SCUNet [4]
- code for computing the localization performance.
- the testing script.
- the training script.
- the config of training ReLoc.
- checkpoints: the weights of ReLoc equipped with 3 localization modules (i.e., DFCN, SCSEUnet, and MVSSNet) trained on DEFACTO dataset. You can download these files from Baidu Yun (Code: e5ww)
The tampering localization methods and restoration method used in this paper can find in the following links:
- SCSE-Unet [1]: paper and codes
- MVSSNet [2]: paper and codes
- DFCN [3]: paper and codes
- SCUnet [4]: paper and codes
If you use our code please cite:
title={ReLoc: A Restoration-Assisted Framework for Robust Image Tampering Localization},
author={Zhuang, Peiyu and Li, Haodong and Yang, Rui and Huang, Jiwu},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},