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a-d edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 3 revisions

Setting up a Maven multiple-project hierarchy is not difficult. All it takes are 6 easy steps:

  1. Download and install the Eclipse-IDE (integrated development environment), if you don't have already. You can use the standard edition.

  2. Download and unzip the newest spatial.election files.

  3. Start Eclipse. eclipse

  4. Check whether M2E is installed. It's a plugin for eclipse, providing Maven features. Go to Help -> Install New Software. Enter the site "M2E - !". Install "Maven Integration for Eclipse" if it is not yet installed. Restart Eclipse if necessary.

    eclipse m2e

  5. Import the spatial.election project, by using File -> Import, check "Existing Maven Projects". eclipse import file

  6. Enter the path to your unziped spatial.election files. Check all projects and skip through the following Import dialogs. eclipse import check

Congratulation, you've did it! Now you are ready to use the spatial.election software with source code. You can alter the code, as well as build and run the application. If you already have Setup the PostgreSQL server you can go on learning how to use the software.

eclipse ready

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