Make a duplicate of existing project on Xamp (Lets Call as "sports"). Cross check the working of projects by running server using following command
cmd> cd C:\xampp\htdocs\sports
php artisan serve
If everything is working perfectly then export database file (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
Open cPanel> create a new database, database user and add user to database with all preivileges using Manage User Privileges
Then open cpanel phpmyadmin and import sql file
Open C:\xampp\htdocs\sports and edit .env file with localhost, database, user we created on cpanel
open cmd> cd C:\xampp\htdocs\sports
Run following command one by one (
> php artisan config:cache
> php artisan config:clear
> php artisan cache:clear
> php artisan cache:clear
> php artisan route:cache
> php artisan view:clear
Compress and zip our sports folder under C:\xampp\htdocs\
open cpanel File Manger>public_html Upload zip file and extract the folder (Lets call the folder as sports)
Move all files under public folder (public_html/sports/public) to public_html
Edit index.php on public_html following manner
require __DIR__.'/sports/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/sports/bootstrap/app.php';
Check the website URL on browser. Hopefully website will work perfectly