An android app to monitor and get information about COVID-19 and its growth in nearly all countries made with Kotlin. Graphs for the growth in the last 7 days are included in this app. SMKC COVID currently supports 3 languages:
- English
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Filipino
- Fragments, ViewPager, TabLayout, BottomNav
- Implementing RecyclerView
- Taking data from REST API
- Firebase authentication, database, and notification
- Room and LiveData
- Glide, Retrofit, and Gson
- MPAndroidChart
- Localization (Multiple languages)
- Using SharedPreferences
or use this link instead (Only for Android Lollipop or above)
or use this link instead (Only for Android Lollipop or above)
- Hat tip to anyone who's code and illustration was used
- Icons by Kiran Shastry and Freepik
- Mimi ko for the testing and some ideas (and translation ofc)