This is an arduino project to create a pedometer device using arduino and ADXL335 accelerometer. This is a library for Arduino Pedometer project
this library is compatible with Arduino IDE V 1.6.x and above only!
This project collects data from the ADXL-335 accelerometer. Arduino processes it and calculates the "No. of Steps" taken from the time of power up. the data is encoded in Json string format and sent serially using a BT module HC-05.
created on 16 Dec 2015 by Abhay Shankar Bharadwaj ([email protected] /
credits go to Benoit Blanchon for the ArduinoJson library and jatinbatra ( who created the original pedometer code.
This project code is in the public domain. It is given as is, and any modifications can be done as an open sorce standard. credits to be updated wherever and whenever necessary.
ADXL335 accelerometer & Arduino nano: Vcc --> +5v
X --> A5
Y --> A6
Z --> A7
Gnd --> gnd
BT HC05 Tx to software Rx (D11)
BT HC05 Rx to software Tx (D10)
you must include the "ArduinoJson" and "SoftwareSerial" libraries in arduino's library directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries) (or ...\Arduino\libraries) you can download the libraries from: