- This project displays all Countries in the world.
- Also the site has a details page includes additional information about any country like border countries, subregion, Language.
- Doing some UNIT TESTS: using jasmine & karma
- I can see all country in home page.
- I can search for any country by name or capital.
- I can choose any continent and see the countries in it and I can search only within that continent.
- I can click on Dark Theme on Navbar to toggle to dark mode.
- I can click on back button to get back to the page before.
- I can click Title on Navbar to go on home bage.
- I can click on a country to see more detailed information
- I can click on border button to see border countries.
- I can click on border countries and go to details
- Clone these repo:
git clone https://github.com/aboodswiti/angular-countries.git
cd angular-countries
npm i
- Run the app:
npm start
- In terminal
ng test
- You will see browser window about this test and see bass test and failing
- Also you can see the tests at terminal
- Anguler
- Typescript
- Bootstrap
- Firebase