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Alfresco CLI

A Command Line Interface for Alfresco Repository using REST API.


Download the binary compiled for your architecture (Linux, Windows or Mac OS) from Releases.

You may rename the binary to alfresco, all the following samples are using this command name by default.

Using -h flag provides detail on the use of the different commands available:

$ ./alfresco -h
Alfresco CLI provides access to Alfresco REST API services via command line.
A running ACS server is required to use this program (commonly available in http://localhost:8080/alfresco).

  alfresco [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Manage ACS connection details
  group       Manage groups in ACS Repository
  help        Help about any command
  node        Manage nodes in ACS Repository
  people      Manage people in ACS Repository

  -h, --help              help for alfresco
  -o, --output string     Output format. E.g.: 'default', 'json' or 'id'. (default "default")
      --password string   Alfresco Password for the Username (overrides default stored config value)
      --username string   Alfresco Username (overrides default stored config value)
  -v, --version           version for alfresco

Use "alfresco [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Sample working session



Before using interactive commands with Alfresco Repository, defining connection and credentails is required.

Following command will store a connection for ACS deployed in localhost with default credentials (admin/admin)

./alfresco config set -s http://localhost:8080/alfresco -u admin -p admin

When using TLS protocol, an additional boolean flag insecure (false by default) can be enabled to use Alfresco CLI against Alfresco Servers configured with self-signed certificates

./alfresco config set -s https://localhost/alfresco -u admin -p admin --insecure true

Default number of results when retrieving a list of nodes from Alfresco Repository can be customized using integer flag maxItems. Default value is 100 and maximum value is 1000.

./alfresco config set -s http://localhost:8080/alfresco -u admin -p password --maxItems 1000

Note that this command will create a .alfresco configuration file on the same folder

These credentials will be used by default for every command, however using specific credentials for a single command can be achived by setting username and password parameters.

For instance, executing the node list command with user test and password test can be done using the following command:

./alfresco node list -i -root- --username test --password test


Local file alfresco.log is capturing command logs. The log file includes activity entries and error details.

$ tail -f alfresco.log
2023/04/28 10:12:48 [NODE UPLOAD FOLDER] Uploading local folder ../tmp to Alfresco Repository folder 72d25c97-4ab9-47ff-8b70-b67c5f4939e8
2023/04/28 10:12:56 [NODE UPLOAD FOLDER] Folder ../tmp has been uploaded
2023/04/28 10:12:56 ERROR [NODE CREATE] Post "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/4960a8a5-a258-4fed-84b4-73ae8cf9b2de/children": EOF

Generic flags

  -h, --help            help for alfresco
  -o, --output string   Output format. E.g.: 'default', 'json' or 'id'. (default "default")

In addition to help, output formatting can be selected by using -o or --output in every command.

By default formatting is grepable text (default).

$ ./alfresco node list -i -root-
ID                                   NAME             MODIFIED AT                  USER
9bcd0a02-bbed-44f6-baa5-2a27974f9bdf Data Dictionary  2023-04-11T09:21:51.378+0000 System
3cb0e1bc-f349-4651-be79-c5aa4e63465c Guest Home       2023-04-11T09:21:42.711+0000 System
5aaa845d-aaa3-4550-a2f6-2cf78d12c907 Imap Attachments 2023-04-11T09:21:42.761+0000 System
a8e32ff6-6140-4a19-84a5-c157820fc376 IMAP Home        2023-04-11T09:21:42.768+0000 System
08870377-0da9-4a2d-964c-e77e4f3b5e21 Shared           2023-04-25T13:48:13.831+0000 admin
44847591-6db1-44f8-a09d-e91385de3583 Sites            2023-04-11T09:21:50.198+0000 System
308b599d-6653-4190-aee3-18e6a0f7e9fd User Homes       2023-04-13T14:21:40.945+0000 admin
# Count=7, HasMoreItems=false, TotalItems=7, SkipCount=0, MaxItems=100

In order to get raw JSON Response, json parameter can be used.

$ ./alfresco node list -i -root- -o json
  "pagination" : {
    "count" : 7,
    "hasMoreItems" : false,
    "totalItems" : 7,
    "skipCount" : 0,
    "maxItems" : 100
  "entries" : [ {
    "entry" : {
      "id" : "9bcd0a02-bbed-44f6-baa5-2a27974f9bdf",
      "name" : "Data Dictionary",
      "nodeType" : "cm:folder",
      "isFolder" : true,
      "isFile" : false,
      "isLocked" : false,

And finally, a list of IDs can be obtained using id option.

$ ./alfresco node list -i -root- -o id

Testing and sample scripts

Sample bash scripts for testing purposes are provided in test folder.


Detailed documentation for available commands in docs/


  • Site commands
  • Search commands
  • Provide pre-built programs for Windows, Linux, Mac AMD64 & Mac ARM64
  • Control concurrency rate