Walkthrough blog post - http://qappdesign.com/using-mongodb-with-net-core-webapi
This is the first blog post, presenting the backend associated with a sample application: NotebookApp.
It is a quick walkthrough on using .NET Core 2 to build a Web API layer using MongoDB .NET Driver version 2. All the calls to the database are asynchronous.
- Technology stack
- Configuration model
- Options model
- Dependency injection
- MongoDb – Installation and configuration using MongoDB C# Driver v.2
- Make a full ASP.NET WebApi project, connected async to MongoDB
- Allowing Cross Domain Calls (CORS)
- Update entire MongoDB documents
- Exception management
- Download or clone this project locally
- Install the tools - see here more details: http://qappdesign.com/using-mongodb-with-net-core-webapi
- Run first the MongoDB server (details in the article)
- Then in the console, within the current project folder, run the next two commands:"dotnet restore", and then "dotnet run"
- The ASP.NET Core WebAPI will run using IIS (default settings: http://localhost:5000)