This repository contains the code base for the ACM Manipal Website.
Install node (The node version used to build the currently deployed version of the website is 13.11.0)
It is preferrable to install yarn
Clone the repo by running :
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd ACM_Website
npm install
cd client
npm install
cd client (If not currently in client directory)
yarn build (or npm run build)
cd client(If not currently in client directory)
npm start
From ACM_Website directory run
npm start
This serves only the optimized version after running build and will not show any changes made after the previous build.
yarn dev (or npm run dev)
- MongoDB
- ExpresJS
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
Materialize CSS has been used in the front-end
The dev version is deployed here.
- Fork the repo and raise a PR for
- an existing issue
- raise your own issue
- suggest a feature