This project define a new way for consume reports using gRPC inside ADempiere. Currently exists a usefull reporter with a good definition like Print Format, This repository don't want replace the current approach, just I try improve this with a new functionality as service with some features like:
- Pagination
- Retrieve Data as readable format gRPC Rest API
- Simplification for query with print format based
- Improve embedded format
- Improve query performance
- Define keys for columns
- Define friendly aoperations like
C = A + B
Since the ADempiere dependency is vital for this project is high recommended that the you are sure that of project adempiere-jwt-token is installed and the setup is runned in ADempiere Database.
gradle run --args="resources/env.yaml"
For Token validation is used JWT
docker pull openls/adempiere-report-engine-service:alpine
You can find it from Docker Hub
To use this Docker image you must have your Docker engine version greater than or equal to 3.0.
: Database Type (SupportedOracle
). DefaultPostgreSQL
: Hostname for data base server. Default:localhost
: Port used by data base server. Default:5432
: Database name that Adempiere-Backend will use to connect with the database. Default:adempiere
: Database user that Adempiere-Backend will use to connect with the database. Default:adempiere
: Database password that Adempiere-Backend will use to connect with the database. Default:adempiere
: It sets the maximum time a connection can sit around without being used before it gets closed to free up resources. Default:300
: It sets the minimum number of connections that should be kept open and ready to use, even if they're not currently being used. This helps improve performance by reducing the time it takes to get a connection. Default:1
: It sets the maximum number of connections that can be open at the same time. This helps prevent the pool from getting too big and using up too much memory. Default:10
: it sets the maximum time HikariCP will wait to get a connection from the pool before giving up and throwing an error. Default:5000
: It sets the maximum amount of time a connection can stay open in the pool before it's automatically closed. This helps keep the pool clean and prevents problems. Default:6000
: It sets a test query that HikariCP will run on connections to make sure they're still working properly. Default:360000
: It sets how often HikariCP will check if a connection is still working properly. This helps prevent problems with connections that might become inactive. Default:SELECT 1
: Port to access Adempiere-Backend from outside of the container. Default:50059
: Log Level. Default:WARNING
: Custom settings to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Default:-Xms64M -Xmx1512M
: (Time Zone) Indicates the time zone to set in the nginx-based container, the default value isAmerica/Caracas
(UTC -4:00).
You can download the last image from docker hub, just run the follow command:
docker run -d -p 50059:50059 --name adempiere-report-engine-service -e DB_HOST="localhost" -e DB_PORT=5432 -e DB_NAME="adempiere" -e DB_USER="adempiere" -e DB_PASSWORD="adempiere" openls/adempiere-report-engine-service:alpine
See all images here
You can also run it with docker compose
for develop enviroment. Note that this is a easy way for start the service with PostgreSQL and template.
docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.16.0
Just go to docker-compose
folder and run it
cd docker-compose
docker compose up
After run you must change some values to ensure that this service is work:
- Open ZK
- Go to System Rules -> General Rules -> Server -> App Registration
- Search by Value
- Change the Host value
by yourIP
, keep thehttp://
because is the protocol - Change the .env file the variable
with yourIP
- Down and Up the service
- After it you can test service
All files will be saved inside user tmp
You can test it using postman with this definition, also you can look it from here
This repo has some services, the follow is a list:
- Query
: true show all as list instead tree
- Query
- Query
: true show all as list instead tree
- Query
- Parameter
only is supportedxlsx
- Parameter
The default host is
- If you want to open files from browser then can open http://localhost:9090/browser/adempiere
- If you want to open ZK then can open http://localhost:8080/webui/
Get Report
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJBRF9DbGllbnRfSUQiOjExLCJBRF9PcmdfSUQiOjAsIkFEX1JvbGVfSUQiOjEwMiwiQURfVXNlcl9JRCI6MTAwLCJNX1dhcmVob3VzZV9JRCI6MCwiQURfTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiJlbl9VUyIsImlhdCI6MTcxOTk0ODQ1OX0.wNlMg2kqqXVuJj9KTzOHamXFURDRaNGU_rTilemC3zM'
Get View
curl --location --globoff '[{%22name%22%3A%20%22IsSOTrx%22%2C%20%22operator%22%3A%20%22equal%22%2C%20%22values%22%3A%20%22Y%22}%2C%20{%22name%22%3A%20%22DocStatus%22%2C%20%22operator%22%3A%20%22equal%22%2C%20%22values%22%3A%20%22CO%22}]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJBRF9DbGllbnRfSUQiOjExLCJBRF9PcmdfSUQiOjAsIkFEX1JvbGVfSUQiOjEwMiwiQURfVXNlcl9JRCI6MTAwLCJNX1dhcmVob3VzZV9JRCI6MCwiQURfTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiJlbl9VUyIsImlhdCI6MTcxOTk0ODQ1OX0.wNlMg2kqqXVuJj9KTzOHamXFURDRaNGU_rTilemC3zM'
Export Report
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJBRF9DbGllbnRfSUQiOjExLCJBRF9PcmdfSUQiOjAsIkFEX1JvbGVfSUQiOjEwMiwiQURfVXNlcl9JRCI6MTAwLCJNX1dhcmVob3VzZV9JRCI6MCwiQURfTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiJlbl9VUyIsImlhdCI6MTcxOTk0ODQ1OX0.wNlMg2kqqXVuJj9KTzOHamXFURDRaNGU_rTilemC3zM'
Get Tmp File
Note: Replace report_engine_6003747246856772359.xlsx
by the report name
curl --location ''
You can change variables editing the .env
file. Note that this file have a minimal example.
Help us to improve this big tool!