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Redirection of the ade4 web page

Jean Thioulouse edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

In the DESCRIPTION file of the ade4 package, we find 2 URLs:


The GitHub URL of the adeverse organization: as well as the "historical" URL: which is in fact a redirection link to the GitHub URL. This redirection is done by a PHP script, without changing anything in the structure of the web server.

In the /www/htdocs/pbil/ directory of the pbil web server we find the ADE-4 directory, and an ade4 link which allows to keep the old URL active:

  • drwxrwxr-x 7 www-data web 55 Jan 22 11:24 ADE-4
  • lrwxrwxrwx 1 www-data web 5 Nov 22, 2010 ade4 -> ADE-4

In the /www/htdocs/pbil/ADE-4 directory, there are two PHP files which are symbolic links to the same ade4New.php file:

  • lrwxrwxrwx 1 jthioulo bge 11 June 15, 2023 accueil.php -> ade4New.php
  • lrwxrwxrwx 1 jthioulo bge 11 June 15, 2023 index.php -> ade4New.php

The ade4New.php file itself contains a single line of PHP code, which consists of a header that redirects the browser to the adeverse GitHub URL:

<?php header('Location:'); ?>