The ultimate arcade for all your gaming purposes!
- APIs
A fast and easy way to play some great hit games. This will allow people to relax from a long day, and grab some coffee while having some fun.
- You'll land on the home page:
- If you click GAMES at the top, you can find all of our games:
- If you click ABOUT, it'll give you information, and the ratings for the game:
- **If you click BEGIN, the page will take you to tips. "Let's Start" will take you to the GAMES section. "Back to top" will take user to top. **
we use the employment of CRUD, create, read, update, and delete.
Tech Talk February 3rd on CRUD models on the nighthawk page.
Use of DB Browser for MySQLite
- has all data
- can delete and update entries from here
- here is the tool
CREATE is used in our ratings and reviews.
when users add a review of the game. they include their name, a rating from 1-5, and a comment.
code for create in python is here from line 72 of
they can leave a rating and comment here on the site.
html form code for ratings is here.
linked to the page and the table is printed with JINJA
CREATE is also used here.
once users play, they can log their score into the leaderboard
code for create in python is here from line 72 of
game 6 example on the site.
html form code for game 6
linked to the page and the table is printed with JINJA
Tech Talk February 17th Ms. Trish and assistance
The leaderboards all capture the game score, and then queries it, along with the user's name, to the leaderboard, which is displayed afterward.
- sql table set up is here on line 25 of
- users can enter leaderboard scores for the following games. code shows the form that queries information, runtime links show the site.
code links | runtime links |
game1-1.html | game 1 |
game2.html | game 2 |
game3.html | game 3 |
game4.html | game 4 |
game6.html | game 6 |
- there's no leaderboard for game 7 and game 8
- we don't have a game 5
Similar to the leaderboard, we set up a table for the reviews and ratings.
- reviews and ratings table set up here.
- the live running site
TECH TALK January 20th Flask/Python Review with API example on nighthawk coding page.
We also use APIs in our game. In game1, the covid data tracking game, we use an API to import data regarding covid 19 statistics.
- game 1 api code
- game 1 run time link
Tech Talk Ms. Trish and assistance
- uses and imports dragon.css into html
- this line imports the css into game 8 and the game's html code
Some games in the arcade employ the use of Java.