Bnisba l Pull requests Kol wa7d y Forki had repo w create Dossier bsmito f master branch of the forked repo .. w west dak dossier jme3 kolchi w documentih mzian , yla 9derti dir west dossier b7al hadi li kat9raha db aykon 7ssen bach tsehl 3lina nfehmo base points , Good luck Jammers !
Idea Dyal Jamal
NAME of language = Aliens Programming language (ALS)
3taber Programming logic li 3arfino w dima kyt3awd b7al chi space(fada2) w KHARAJLINA HAD L3JB hhhh lmohim , I realy realy like it ! I think hadi ghadi t attirer l'attention dyal lCommunity , psq it's a fresh idea dik lmain w classes ..etc dima tab3ina so why not change logic kamlo !
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[Galaxies] ....
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[Planets] [IPlanets]
(classes) (Interfaces)
Functions Protos
Donc :
IMPORTED MODULES/Libraries = Galaxies
+ CLASS = Planet + INTERFACE = IPlanet + FUNCTIONS = def
Des exmpl de syntaxes
+++++++++++++++++ CLASS in ALS +++++++++++++++++
Planet Person:
Name = "Saad"
Prenon = "Jamal"
// Funcs - Procedures
def ToString():
+++++++++++++++++ CONDITIONS in ALS +++++++++++++++++
if (condition 1) // this is if
: (condition 2) // this is elseif
: (condition 3) // also elseif
: // else
+++++++++++++++++ LOOPS in ALS +++++++++++++++++
- while
- for <-- Done
- foreach <-- Done
- do while
// khas ykon 1 of these (chi Type li possible to loop on)
_array = [1,2,3,4]
_array = "string"
_array = {1:[1,2,3] , ...}
_array = (1,2,3,4)
// 1 parameter = bghina ghi name dyal item mn _array
// 2 parameter = bghina name dyal item + index dyal item mn _array
// index by default ghaybda incrementé donc ,n 0 -> len dyal _array
print( e + " => " + item)
// 2 parameter avec signe f 'e' = bghina name dyal item + index dyal item mn _array
// w signed parameter ghay kon soit '+' soit '-'
//(+e => INDEX incrementé) / (-e => Index decrementé mn len(_array) => 0 )
// dar chi haja akhra ghan3tabroha hiya '+'
print( e + " => " + item)