UGCUploader is a multi-tenant application. In which each tennent has a different usage profile.
The purpose of the Test Rig is to emulate the interaction that occurs when multiple tennants are using the system. In order to achieve this, each tennant will be associated with a namespace. Within this namespace a distributed Jmeter test will be deployed that runs a test specific for that tennant.
Once the test completes the results are uploaded to an s3 bucket ugcupload-jmeter
The diagram below depicts the scenario when 2 tenants are being simulated.
The following is the process that should be followed to create test and deploy to the cluster.
Create test.
- Test should be stored in the folder
- Test should be stored in the folder
Containerize the test by re-building the master jmeter image. Follow the instructions outlined here Containerize And Upload to ECR(AWS Docker Repo)
Provision tennant: If tennant is already provisioned undo first: Follow instructions outlined here #Add Tennant To Cluster
jmeter variables:
The test are dependant on the following jmeter variables:Variable Description Example The is the location of the data used by the scripts /data test.results This is where the reponse from the test are stored. /test-output
The screen shot below is the admin gui used to start and manage the tests. This can be accessed after installing the Admin Controller. Used the following command to get the external ip: kubectl get service -n control
Use the following url: http:<<external-ip>>:1323/
This is used to create and manipulate the cluster - KUBECTL:
Used to provision and orchestrate kubernetes. - Docker:
Used to push images to the ECR repository. - AWS I am authenticator:
The eksctl tool does not work with ~/.aws/credential file unless you make modifications to ./kube/config
The following modifications were done to fetch-aws-creds:
with open(home + '/workspace/ugcuploader-test-kubernettes/', 'w') as f:
f.write('export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={accessKeyId}\n'.format(**creds))
f.write('export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={secretAccessKey}\n'.format(**creds))
f.write('export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN={sessionToken}\n'.format(**creds))
f.write('export PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Python/3.7/bin\n')
st = os.stat(home + '/workspace/')
os.chmod(home + '/workspace/', st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
Following command can then be issued to set the AWS environmental variables.
source ~/workspace/setup-aws-env.s
The diagram below is an illustration of the architecural components that exist within the system.
This an agent that is installed on each slave. This is used to transfer files to the slave and also start jmeter slave on the container.
This component is installed on the master and is used to start and stop the tests.
Admin Controller
This is the front end interface used by the user for test creation.
The document in this link CreateCluster outlines the steps for creating the cluster.
Before you can deploy to the ECR repository you will need to login.
The following command can be used to get the docker login command:
aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-west-2 | sed 's|https://||'
In the folder docker There are three sub folders base, control, master and slave
In each of these sub folders run the command:
This is located in docker/base
If your test utilises any plugins the corresponding jar(s) should be put in the folder plugins
If you want to provision multiple environments for a single tennat and want the results consolidated together then use the following naming convention: tennant-<type>
as an example for bbcradio
you want to create two enviroments for running two different jemeter tests. i.e one for adsl users and another for mobile gprs users. Eg. bbcradio-adls
and bbcradio-mobile-gprs
In the folder kubernetes-artefacts/reporter
There are two scripts:
- Used to create the reporting virtual environmnt in the cluster.
eg. ./
Used the following to command to verify that the instances have succesfully started before moving to the next step.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
- Used to setup grafana and influxes.
If you see the following error. It is safe to ignorewget: can't open 'datasources': Permission denied command terminated with exit code 1
- Used to remove the reporting virtual environment from the cluster.
The table below details the steps performed by the script to create the virtual environment.
Step | Objective | Description | Action |
1 | create reporting namespace | This is the namespace use | kubectl create namespace ugcload-reporter |
2 | Add ServiceAccount to the virtual cluster. | Is to give pods in the virtual cluster access to aws resources. The policy Arn is the one created when setting up the cluster. | eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name ugcupload-jmeter --namespace ugcload-reporter --cluster ugcloadtest --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::546933502184:policy/ugcupload-eks-jmeter-policy --approve --override-existing-serviceaccounts |
3 | Install lnfluxdb | This is used to collect time series data from the test | kubectl create -n ugcload-reporter -f influxdb.yaml |
4 | Install Grafana | This the dashboard used to get insight about running tests. | Kubectl create -n ugcload-jmeter -f grafana.yaml |
The instance has been configured to map to the load balancer.
The following command can be used to get the url:kubectl get services --namespace=ugcload-reporter
This will return the following:
jmeter-grafana | LoadBalancer | | | 3000:30158/TCP | 27m |
From the example above the following URL can be used to access the dashboard.
Below is the dashboard used to visualise the results.
In the folder kubernetes-artefacts/tennant There file can be used to add a tenant's test environment to the cluster. Usage: <namespace>
eg. ./ bbcradio
The file
can be used to remove the tennant from the cluster.
Eg. ./ bbcradio
This is used to perform all test operations.
In the folder kubernetes-artefacts/controller
use the script
e.g ./
The following steps gives the controller the permission to be able to manage the cluster.
Configure SSH access using password:
You will need to log onto the container to configure it: use the following commandkubectl exec -ti -n control admin-controller -- /bin/bash
Set the passwd for the control user
sudo passwd control
Get arn for serviceaccount
Use the following comand to get the arn of the service account:
kubectl get serviceaccount ugcupload-control -n control -o yaml -
Add the serviceaccount as a user in the configmap/aws-auth
Use the following command to editconfigmap/aws-auth
:kubectl edit -n tkube-system configmap/aws-auth-
Add aws account: eg:
mapAccounts: | "546933502184"
Add ServiceAccount role as a user: eg
mapUsers: | - groups: - system:masters userarn: arn:aws:iam::546933502184:role/eksctl-ugcloadtest-addon-iamserviceaccount-c-Role1-1LCQ6ML5AZSTM username: ugcupload-control
or soon you can do this instead: eksctl-io/eksctl#625
eksctl get aws-auth
eksctl update aws-auth add-role arn:aws:iam::546933502184:role/eksctl-ugcloadtest-addon-iamserviceaccount-c-Role1-1LCQ6ML5AZSTM --username ugcupload-control --groups system:masters
eksctl update aws-auth remove-role <arn>
eksctl update aws-auth add-account 546933502184
eksctl update aws-auth remove-account
Use the command below to get the public facing ip:
kubectl get svc admin-controller -n control
Then use the command below to login using the password you created for the control user.
ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no control@<ADMIN-CONTROLLER-EXTERNAL-IP>
To perform any operations on the environment you will need to run the following commands:
aws eks --region eu-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name ugcloadtest This is used to monitor the state of the cluster.
To install run the script which can be found in kubernetes-util folder
After installing the Admin Controller it can be accessed using the following url:
Below is the output: