An easy to use, customizable and secure random string generator.
Can also be used as a password generator by using the following option:
mustHaveAtLeastOneOfEach = true
NEW (2.0.0) > PasswordStrengthChecker
, an util to check how strong a password generated with RandomStringGenerator
is. The checkStrength
static function will return one of the 4 enum values available: VERY_WEAK, WEAK, GOOD and STRONG
, based on the RegEx
patterns provided to it.
var generator = RandomStringGenerator(
fixedLength: 10,
This will generate a random string of length 10 which contains:
- random uppercase and lowercase alpha characters
- random digits
- random symbols
var generator = RandomStringGenerator(
fixedLength: 10,
generator.fixedLength = 5;
WARNING: The call to .generate() will throw RandomStringGeneratorException with a String message property when the parameters are logically wrong! You should try-catch and print the message to see what was wrong.
- If you set minLength > maxLength.
- If you set only minLength or maxLength, but you do not set the other one.
- If you set both fixedLength and minLength + maxLength.
- If you set hasDigits = true, hasSymbols = true and mustHaveAtLeastOneOfEach = true, but you set the length to be 1 instead of minimum 2.
var generator = RandomStringGenerator(
hasAlpha: true,
alphaCase: AlphaCase.UPPERCASE_ONLY,
hasDigits: false,
hasSymbols: true,
minLength: 10,
maxLength: 25,
mustHaveAtLeastOneOfEach: true,
This will generate a random string of length between 10 (included) and 25 (included) which is guaranteed to contain at least one of below:
- random uppercase-only alpha characters
- random digits
- random symbols
Note: In order for the at least one of each feature to work, you must provide a minimum length at least equal to the sum of the true boolean values (hasAlpha, hasDigits, hasSymbols) and the alphaCase.
If hasAlpha, hasDigits, hasSymbols are all set to true and alphaCase is set to AlphaCase.LOWERCASE_ONLY, the total length must be 3 in order to cover all cases.
If hasAlpha, hasDigits, hasSymbols are all set to true and alphaCase is set to AlphaCase.MIXED_CASE, the total length must be (3 + 1 from MIXED_CASE, which means both lower and upper) = 4 in order to cover all cases.
var generator = RandomStringGenerator(
hasAlpha: true,
alphaCase: AlphaCase.MIXED_CASE,
hasDigits: true,
hasSymbols: false,
minLength: 5,
maxLength: 10,
mustHaveAtLeastOneOfEach: false,
customUpperAlphabet = ['A', 'B', 'X', 'Z'],
customLowerAlphabet = ['w', 'n', 'h'],
customDigits = ['1', '2', '3'], // digits as String
customSymbols = ['?', '@'],
For more information, please see the documentation.