is a neovim tabline plugin that focuses on giving you information
about your open buffers without bloat. This is done by enabling the user to
create buffer groups via user defined filters that contain the information the
user is interested in from the other buffers.
The main goal of this plugin is to provide information regarding open buffers in a minimal way while enforcing a navigational approach to fuzzy find the file you are looking for. Thus making you loose that nasty buffer cycling habit from VS Code.
This video showcases two filters, modified buffers and buffers with error diagnostics.
dependencies = { "echasnovski/mini.icons" }, -- optional: required for file icons
opts = {}
---@class buffed.options
---@field dynamic_tabline boolean: hides tabline when no buffer info available
---@field file_icons boolean
---@field ignore_current boolean: don't show tabline info for current open buffer
---@class buffed.filter
---@field icon string?
---@field hl string?
---@field fun function
---@field filters table<string, buffed.filter>
dynamic_tabline = true,
file_icons = true,
ignore_current = true,
filters = {},
This plugin does nothing without any configured filter. I've added some examples below.
A filter can be anything that returns true or false, it applied on a per entry
level of vim.api.nvim_list_bufs
. The plugin does some pre filtering to remove
unloaded buffers before applying your filter.
The filter function has one parameter which is the bufnr.
opts = {
filters = {
-- create a group of buffers that are currently modified
modified = {
icon = "ο§",
hl = "DiagnosticWarn",
fun = function(bufnr)
return vim.fn.getbufvar(bufnr, "&mod") == 1
-- create a group of buffers that currently have diagnostics on a ERROR level
with_error = {
icon = "σ°Έ",
hl = "DiagnosticError",
fun = function(bufnr)
local diagnostic = vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = { min = "ERROR" } })
return #diagnostic > 0
In addition to the tabline buffed provides some useful functions to help managing the buffs and debuffs.
The following two functions can be used to integrate the buffs/debuffs you self.
-- buffed options
filters = {
modified = {
name = "modified"
icon = "ο§",
hl = "DiagnosticWarn",
fun = function(bufnr)
return vim.fn.getbufvar(bufnr, "&mod") == 1
-- example usage as a picker using vim.ui.select
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fb", function()
vim.ui.select(require("buffed").get("modified"), { prompt = "select modified" }, function(selection)
end, { desc = "pick modified" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fb", function() require("buffed.integrations").telescope("modified") end, desc = "telescope - pick modified")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fb", function() require("buffed.integrations").fzf("modified") end, desc = "fzf-lua - pick modified")
The plugin uses the default Tabline highlights, and mainly utilizes the bg color
of TabLine, when passing a highlight for an icon, the fg color is extracted and
a new highlight group prefixed with Buffed
is created that sets the bg color
the bg color of tabline, this is required due to the way neovim handles bg color
fallbacks in winbar, statusline and tablines, where it defaults to Normal
. If
your tabline bg differs from that, the bg will not match. This issue seems to be
resolved in a future release of neovim
and remove the need for these shenanigans.