This is a discord bot primarly made for my discord server (this is why some values are hard coded) but feel free to use the code for yourself.
I self-host the bot but my code isn't yet strong enough to give an invitation link. But feel free to contribute !
🚧 WIP, it will come... soon enough lmao
- Create and delete events (administrator)
- Join created events (you can unRSVP)
- Waiting list available (max participants)
Sooo much TODO (event scheduling otw, with alerts 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour prior to the event)
- Purge channel
Guild Messages
- Update / Delete / Bulk Delete
Guild Member
- Join / Nickname update / Leave
- Ban Add / Remove
- Role Create / Update / Delete
- Jail someone for a random amount of time
When you get mad at someone for not following the rules, you can jail them for a random amount of time. It will mute/deafen then move to a specific channel and bring the person back unmuted/undeafend after the time is up.
🚧 WIP, it will come... soon enough
- Everyday, sends a new question in the channel of your choice and pin it. (Provided there are questions in the database)
- People can give their own questions
The voice owner can :
Change the region of your channel
Automatic just lets discord choose, but sometimes Discord decides to do nothing. Use at your own risks.
Delete that nasty channel when you had enough (no matter how many people there are)
Temporarly whitelist someone, same as the one before. But only works for the current voice channel
Temporarly blacklist someone, same as the one before. But only works for the current voice channel
Alerts for a Twitch Streamer when going live or changing category
Auto Add a custom role when a friend goes live and removes it once they stop
NODE_ENV # will push the commands to your server if set to PRODUCTION
pnpm i
pnpm start
pnpm install --prod
pnpm start
To start your application:
docker-compose up -d
To shut down your application:
docker-compose down
To view your application's logs:
docker-compose logs
From Dockerhub:
docker pull adanea/adroid_ea:latest
For the full command list please view the Docker Documentation.