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📖 Introduction

This is a discord bot primarly made for my discord server (this is why some values are hard coded) but feel free to use the code for yourself.

I self-host the bot but my code isn't yet strong enough to give an invitation link. But feel free to contribute !

Discord bot icon

✨ Features


📅 Events management

🚧 WIP, it will come... soon enough lmao

  • Create and delete events (administrator)
  • Join created events (you can unRSVP)
  • Waiting list available (max participants)

Sooo much TODO (event scheduling otw, with alerts 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour prior to the event)

🔨 Moderation

  • Purge channel

📜 Audit Logs

  • Guild Messages

    • Update / Delete / Bulk Delete
  • Guild Member

    • Join / Nickname update / Leave
  • Guild

    • Ban Add / Remove
    • Role Create / Update / Delete

⛓️ Jail

  • Jail someone for a random amount of time

When you get mad at someone for not following the rules, you can jail them for a random amount of time. It will mute/deafen then move to a specific channel and bring the person back unmuted/undeafend after the time is up.

🎉 Party Mode

🚧 WIP, it will come... soon enough

❓ QotD (Question of the Day)

  • Everyday, sends a new question in the channel of your choice and pin it. (Provided there are questions in the database)


  • People can give their own questions


🎤 TempVoice

  • Auto manage voice channels, deletes and creates channels so only one is needed create

The voice owner can :

  • Set a user limit to the channel limit

  • Transfer ownership transfer-ownership

  • Lock the channel to everyone lock

  • Change the region of your channel

Automatic just lets discord choose, but sometimes Discord decides to do nothing. Use at your own risks.

  • Delete that nasty channel when you had enough (no matter how many people there are) delete

  • Whitelist people to let them join whenever they want whitelist

  • Temporarly whitelist someone, same as the one before. But only works for the current voice channel

  • Blacklist people to be safe from them (will kick them out) blacklist

  • Temporarly blacklist someone, same as the one before. But only works for the current voice channel

📺 Twitch

  • Alerts for a Twitch Streamer when going live or changing category alert

  • Auto Add a custom role when a friend goes live and removes it once they stop


  • Some memes stuff like "hello there" and some private jokes hello_there

📈 Stats


🏗️ Development


NODE_ENV # will push the commands to your server if set to PRODUCTION
pnpm i
pnpm start

💻 Production

pnpm install --prod
pnpm start

🐋 Docker

To start your application:

docker-compose up -d

To shut down your application:

docker-compose down

To view your application's logs:

docker-compose logs

From Dockerhub:

docker pull adanea/adroid_ea:latest

For the full command list please view the Docker Documentation.

📜 Documentation