A bukkit (minecraft server) plugin whose theme is magick. There's no typo on "Magick Element", please read wikia.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aegistudio
QQ: 1910567646
MCBBS: CustomStuff
Wikia Home (English): http://magick-element.wikia.com
How To Play (English): http://magick-element.wikia.com/wiki/How_To_Play
How To Configure (English): http://magick-element.wikia.com/wiki/How_To_Configure
MagickElement is a GPL free software: Any one is free to use, modify and distribute this software.
- The developer reserve the copyright of source code which is on the master branch of this project.
- The developer is responsible for source code on the master branch.
- The range of source code product (compiled class files, .jar files) is restricted to the releases on release page.
- The developer is not responsible for any fork version of this project.
- The developer is not responsible for source code and its product which is not on the master branch.
- The user should take the risk of using source code and its product that the author is not responsible for.