Breaking change: The sa secret type changed and now fully generated by cert-manager
To update existing clusters, please run the following before the update:
RELEASE_NAME=foo RELEASE_NAMESPACE=foo kubectl -n ${RELEASE_NAMESPACE} get secret ${RELEASE_NAME}-kubernetes-pki-sa -o yaml >/tmp/sa.yaml sed -i -e 's/sa.pub/tls.crt/' -e 's/sa.key/tls.key/' -e 's|^type: Opaque|type: kubernetes.io/tls|' /tmp/sa.yaml kubectl delete -f /tmp/sa.yaml kubectl apply -f /tmp/sa.yaml
Most likely you will have to recreate keys for all service accounts and restart the associated workload any way:
kubectl get secret --all-namespaces | grep 'kubernetes.io/service-account-token' | awk '{ print "kubectl delete secret -n " $1 " " $2}' | sh -x
All client certificates used in kubeconfigs now generated by cert-manager
ServiceAccount and roles to create secrets and configmaps in admin-cluster now fully removed
Add server cerificates for controller-manager and scheduler (for the healthcheck and metrics collection)
apiserver secrtificate renamed to apiserver-server