Showcasing IATE features - repleceable translators and adapters + testability
- Download MongoDB image from docker and run it:
docker run -d \ -p 27017-27019:27017-27019 \ -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin \ -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root.admin \ --name mongodb mongo:latest
- Open an interactive terminal inside instance:
docker exec -it mongodb bash
- Connect to mongo using root auth:
mongo -u admin -p root.admin
- Connect to db to be used:
use iate_db
- Create your database user:
db.createUser({ user: "iate_server", pwd: "iate_server_pass", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "iate_db" } ] })
- Add some default users to db:
npm run init_db
(after installing dependencies)
- Open
, change env vars values to whatever you need and save as.env
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start server:
npm start
- Run
npm test
to check unit tests
- Use this Postman collection to run GraphQL queries against the server: