This is a customized fork of thoughtbot's suspenders.
The primary differences are:
- Slim templates
- Bootstrap instead of thoughtbot's styles
- Dev tools like ActiveType, Awesome Print, Letter Opener, and Xray
First install the lo-suspenders gem:
gem install lo-suspenders
Then run:
lo-suspenders projectname
This will create a Rails app in projectname
using the latest version of Rails.
- Enable Circle CI Continuous Integration
- Enable GitHub auto deploys to Heroku staging and review apps.
To see the latest and greatest gems, look at lo-suspenders' Gemfile, which will be appended to the default generated projectname/Gemfile.
It includes application gems like:
- ActiveType for building simple and effective service objects
- Autoprefixer Rails for CSS vendor prefixes
- Bootstrap 4 for CSS and JS
- Flutie for
view helpers - High Voltage for static pages
- jQuery Rails for jQuery
- New Relic RPM for monitoring performance
- Normalize for resetting browser styles
- Postgres for access to the Postgres database
- Rack Canonical Host to ensure all requests are served from the same domain
- Rack Timeout to abort requests that are taking too long
- Recipient Interceptor to avoid accidentally sending emails to real people from staging
- Sidekiq for background jobs
- Simple Form for form markup and style
- Slim for sexy Slim templates
- Puma to serve HTTP requests
And development gems like:
- Awesome Print for pretty
printing with
- Brakeman for detecting security vulnerabilities
- Dotenv for loading environment variables
- Pry Rails for interactively exploring objects
- ByeBug for interactively debugging behavior
- Bullet for help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
- Bundler Audit for scanning the Gemfile for insecure dependencies based on published CVEs
- Letter Opener for previewing emails in the browser
- Spring for fast Rails actions via pre-loading
- Web Console for better debugging via in-browser IRB consoles.
- Quiet Assets for muting assets pipeline log messages
- Xray for inspecting view partials in the browser
And testing gems like:
- Capybara and Capybara Webkit for integration testing
- Factory Girl for test data
- Formulaic for integration testing HTML forms
- RSpec for unit testing
- RSpec Mocks for stubbing and spying
- Shoulda Matchers for common RSpec matchers
- Timecop for testing time
lo-suspenders also comes with:
- The
convention for new developer setup - The
convention for deploying to Heroku - Rails' flashes set up and in application layout
- A few nice time formats set up for localization
to compress responses with Gzip- A low database connection pool limit
- Safe binstubs
- t() and l() in specs without prefixing with I18n
- An automatically-created
environment variable in all environments - Configuration for CircleCI Continuous Integration (tests)
- Rack::Tracker for easy tracking
lo-suspenders is created by aguynamedloren, based on suspenders by thoughtbot, inc.