Cloudify plugin project that invokes an api to get ip and assign it to IP of a compute Node.
using the following repo :
some steps needed to be done on the environment [linux : Centos ]
sudo yum install -y postgresql-server postgresql-contrib python-psycopg2 python-devel postgresql-devel python-pip
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (change ident to trust -to make the python connect to db-)
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo passwd postgres (provide it with password to login and use psql)
[linux : Ubuntu ]
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib python-pip python-psycopg2 libpq-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libffi-dev
update-rc.d postgresql enable
service postgresql start
sudo passwd postgres (provide it with password to login and use psql)
after login we create a user using (createuser --interactive --pwprompt
and then connecting to db (create database pools
modify user and pass in the app/main/
------ if the above is done ( the host will be ready to service requests on port 5000 )
first we have to install requirments
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
then install wagon
pip install wagon
some dependencies might be required
-- after installation is done we create the wagon file using the following command inside the plugin directory
wagon create .
the above command will generate the wagon file
Uploading the plugin locally -- after creating the wagon file we can upload it to cloudify manager using CLI
cfy plugins upload -y plugin.yaml [wagon_file_name]
we execute this command that will install the blueprint (assignment_blueprint.yaml)
cfy install assignment_blueprint.yaml -d [Deployment Name] -b [Blueprint Name] -i python_host_ip=[ip_address_of python server]
we write the blueprint by modifying import to include :
imports :
- plugin: [local plugin name]
then we write the node types that we want to implement from the plugin
derived_from: ...
properties: ...
implementation: [plugin mapping name].plugin.tasks.[function name]
... [inputs for the function]
and we use the node type inside the node_templates