Filters out all elements that had the same filter applied on them before. It can be used to ensure that a function is only applied once to an element.
$('div.calendar').once('calendar', function() {
// This function is only executed once for each div, even if this
// code segment is executed repeatedly.
$('div.calendar').once('calendar').click(function() {
// .once('calendar') filters out all elements which already have the
// class 'calendar'. It applies that class to the remaining elements
// and leaves them in the jQuery object.
// The previous set of elements can be restored with .end()
It also works without supplying a name:
$('div.calendar').once(function() {
// This function is only executed once for each div, even if this
// code segment is executed repeatedly. Other scripts can't refer
// to this `once` method and the class names used are in the form
// of jquery-once-1 and so on.
Leverage npm, grunt, and qunit:
$ npm install
$ npm test
$ grunt release
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.