The code in this repository will let you train a Neural Network to play Pong solely based on the input frames of the game and the results of each round.
We have provided a requirements.txt for you to setup your python3.6.6 environment.
First off, create your virtual environment by entering the below command
If on OSX or Linux, enter the following into terminal
python3.6 -m venv pongenv
source pongenv/bin/activate
If on windows, you may have to run the following in order to install the virtual environment tool
pip3.6 install virtualenv
Then, you have to run the following to make and activate the venv
virtualenv pongenv
- Install Openai Gym here.
- Run " pip install gym[atari] "
Set the variable "render" on line 14 to True if you wish to see the game. Note this will significantly slow down the training process.
According to Karpathy's blog post, this algorithm should take around 3 days of training on a Macbook to start beating the computer. Consider tweaking the hyperparameters or using CNNs to boost the performance further.
This is based off of the work of Andrej Karpathy's great blog post and code here