Releases: aim-rsf/browseMetadata
What's Changed
Smaller changes
- Updated PR and Issue templates (
- Acknowledge @NidaZiaS as contributor for ideas and feedback 🥳 (#122)
- Update contributor tags for existing contributors (#132, #133, #134)
- Restructure README and website files, and check citation and acknowledgments (#129, #135) thanks @RayStick and @BatoolMM 🚀
Bigger changes
- Unit tests added! Best practice guideline checked. This led to lots of restructuring and renaming of functions in the code base, and corresponding README file. (#124) thanks @RayStick and @Rainiefantasy 🚀
- Bug fix! (#128) thanks @RayStick and @Rainiefantasy 🚀
What's Changed - Auto generated
- Update templates by @RayStick in #119
- docs: add NidaZiaS as a contributor for ideas by @allcontributors in #122
- Unit testing, renaming functions, adding docs by @RayStick in #124
- mapMetadata: check if lookup and domain file are incompatible by @RayStick in #128
- Restructure README and github pages by @RayStick in #129
- docs: add BatoolMM as a contributor for projectManagement by @allcontributors in #132
- docs: add RayStick as a contributor for projectManagement by @allcontributors in #133
- docs: add RayStick as a contributor for review by @allcontributors in #134
- [WIP] Align citation and acknowledgements with AIM RSF guidelines by @BatoolMM in #135
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2
What's Changed
Package has a logo! Thanks to @BatoolMM for the great first draft (and @Rainiefantasy and @RayStick for edits):
New function added which can convert the outputs files into a different format:
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.1
What's Changed
Fixing bug in v1.1.0
Thanks to @Rainiefantasy for user testing and reviewing this PR!
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
What's Changed
🎉 Thanks to @DDelbarre for some thorough user testing and making issues. This led to bug fixes and enhancements to the code
🎉 Thanks to @Rainiefantasy for reviewing many PRs and doing user testing!
🎉 Thanks to @BatoolMM for reviewing PRs, doing user testing, and suggesting enhancements to the package!
For the user of this package, one of the biggest changes in functionality come in #105. We now account for dependencies between tables, meaning categorisations you make for one table are copied over to another table, saving time and ensuring consistency of categorisations. There is also more error catching, making it less likely that an error from a user prompt will crash the code or make it into the saved output files.
- docs: add DDelbarre as a contributor for ideas, and userTesting by @allcontributors in #95
- Fix bug with header of demo list file by @RayStick in #100
- Allow re-do of last categorisation & reduce number of autos by @RayStick in #101
- Re-work the csv output logs & validate user inputs by @RayStick in #104
- Add in table dependencies (quicker for user and more valid) by @RayStick in #105
- Update for code authors/reviewers by @RayStick in #10
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
v1.0.1 release
What's Changed
- Add workflows to automate regular GH actions by @RayStick in #87
- Expand user interaction for domain_mapping function by @RayStick in #90
- Add summary plot as output to domain_mapping function by @RayStick in #93
Thank you to @BatoolMM and @Rainiefantasy for reviewing these PRs
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...1.0.1
browseMetadata 1.0.0
Thanks to @RayStick, @BatoolMM and @Rainiefantasy 🥳
What's Changed (Summary)
- Better error catching if the user gives the incorrect input
- Clearer user prompts
- More review options for the user to correct their answers
- Look up table created as package data - code reads this in for the auto-categorisations. A user look up table can be provided instead
- New function to compare 2 csv outputs (may need further refinement/user testing)
- Clearer ways to cite package
- Website and README improvements
What's Changed
- Create CITATION.cff by @BatoolMM in #58
- Update by @BatoolMM in #59
- update new branch to main by @RayStick in #61
- Improve demo in README by @RayStick in #60
- Improve manual checking of categorisations by @RayStick in #67
- docs: add Rainiefantasy as a contributor for review, and ideas by @allcontributors in #76
- add_lookup_file by @RayStick in #77
- Clearer wording by @RayStick in #79
- Improve user interaction & error catching for prompts by @RayStick in #80
- Compare csv outputs by @RayStick in #81
- Update by @RayStick in #83
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...1.0.0
browseMetadata 0.1.0
This is an initial release to link to Zenodo