This branch was created from the original sources:
A collection of scripts for transforming ONB music score metadata into a semantically enriched knowledge graph of music scores.
Starting from the ONB's raw music score dataset (Aleph export) data aggregation involves the following steps:
- Data normalization: extract relevant fields from raw aleph data (example) and transform to JSON (example)
- Data enrichment (example):
- follow GND links in raw/normalized data and collect additional uris (e.g., DBpedia, VIAF)
- find related Europeana items by (i) searching via the Europeana search API and (ii) filtering those that share at least one URI with the raw/normalized data
- Statistics computation: (example)
- id: aleph document id
- links_artwork: number of artwork links
- persons: number of persons mentioned in metadata record
- links_person_gnd: number of persons linked to GND
- links_person_dbpedia: number of persons linked to DBPedia
- links_person_viaf: number of persons linked to VIAF
- related_europeana_items: number of persons possibly related to Europeana
- Preconditions:
- Python 2.7
- requests 2.7.0 package for HTTP requests
- BeautifulSoup package for normalization
- SPARQLWrapper 1.6.4 and rdflib 4.2.1 packages for SPARQL requests
- goslate 1.5.0 package for Google translate requests
- europeana_api_key and freebase_api_key files are required in the root directory containing appropriate keys
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Enable script execution
chmod u+x *.py
The dataset in the XML format should be placed in folder 'data/raw'
- Run the whole analysis workflow including:
- normalization (GND number)
- enrichment (from Europeana)
- statistics calculation (author, subject, title)
- Dexter API enrichment (retrieves DBPedia IDs)
- DBPedia enrichment
Start workflow analysis
$ python data
Run data normalization script
./normalize -o data/normalized data/raw/*.xml
Run data enrichment script
./enrich -o data/enriched -e YOUR_EUROPEANA_API_KEY data/normalized/*.json