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CSC258 Review


Logic Gates are made from transistors based on pn-junctions made from semiconductors that conduct electricity


Si and Ge

Impurity (Doping)


Add Phosphorus


Add Boron


Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors


nMOS conduct when +tive voltage (5V) applied


pMOS conduct when voltage is logic-zero

Logic Gates

Are made by a combination of pMOS and nMOS Transistors. pMOS transistors conduct logic-1 values batter, and nMOS transistors conduct logic-0 values batter.

Gates Truth Table

0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0

Creating complex logic

  1. Create truth tables
  2. Express as boolean expression
  3. Convert to Gates

Minterms and Maxterms

Not so sure about this table

Maxterm Minterm A B C
M7 m0 0 0 0
M6 m1 0 0 1
M5 m2 0 1 0
M4 m3 0 1 1
M3 m4 1 0 0
M2 m5 1 0 1
M1 m6 1 1 0
M0 m7 1 1 1

mx == Mx'


An AND expression with every input present in true or complemented form

Valid minterms:

A · B' · C · D, A' · B · C' · D, A · B · C · D

Sum-of-Minterms (SOM)

Union of minterm expressions. A way of expressing which inputs cause the output to go high.


An OR expression with every input present in true or complemented form

Valid minterms:

A + B' + C + D, A' + B + C' + D, A + B + C + D

Product-of-Maxterms (POM)

intersection of maxterm expressions.

Karnaugh Maps (K-Map)

2D grid of minterms, where adjacent minterm locations in the grid differ by a single literal

C' · D' C' · D C · D C · D'
A' · B' m0 m1 m3 m2
A' · B m4 m5 m7 m6
A · B m8 m9 m11 m10
A · B' m12 m13 m15 m14

Once maps are created, draw boxes over groups of high output values.

  • Boxes bust be rectangular, and aligned with map.
  • Number of values contained within each box must be power of 2.
  • Boxes may overlap with each other
  • Boxes may wrap across edges of map

Logic Devices

Combinational Circuits

Multiplexers (MUX), decoders, Adders, Subtractors, Comparators. Any circuits where the outputs rely strictly on the inputs. Another category is sequencial cirtuits :(.


2-to-1 MUX: S = 0, M => X; S = 1, M => Y;

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

4-to-1 MUX:

s1, s0 m
00 u
01 v
10 w
11 x

Verilog code:

module mux_logic( select, d, q );

input[1:0]  select;
input[3:0]  d;
output      q;

wire        q;
wire[1:0]   select;
wire[3:0]   d;

assign q =  (~select[1] & ~select[0])   & d[0] |
            (~select[1] & select[0])    & d[1] |
            (select[1]  & ~select[0])   & d[2] |
            (select[1]  & select[0])    & d[3] ;



Translate from the output of one circuit to input of another.

7-segment decoder
  • Translate from a 4-digit binary number to 7 segments of a digital display
  • each output segment has a particular logic


AKA Binary Adders

  • Small circuit devices that add two digits together
Half Adders

Adds two bits to produce a two-bit sum, as a sum bit and a carry bit.

C = X · Y

S = X · Y' + X' · Y
  = X ⊕ Y
Full Adders

Similar to Half adders, but with another input Z, which represents a carry-in bit (C and Z usually labeled as Cout and Cin)

C = X · Y + X · Z + Y · Z

S = X ⊕ Y ⊕ Z
Ripple-Carry Binary Adder

Full adder units chained together


  1. Take a smaller number, and invert all the digits
  2. Add inverted number to the larger one
  3. Add one to the result

(2's complement)

Signed numbers

Sign and Magnitude

Sign: A separate bit for the sign, 0 for +, 1 for -.

Magnitude: Remaining bits store unsigned part of the number.

e.g. 0110 if 6 while 1110 is -6

2's complement
1's complement

(2n-1)-x, negate each individual bit.

2's complement is 1's complement + 1

(Adding a -tive umber in 2's complement notation to the same positive number reduces a result of 0)

circuit implementation: Subtractor

Addition/Subtraction circuit

add_sub A XOR 0 is A, A XOR 1 is !A. Therefore if Sub is high, 1 is Cin and input of Y is bitwise flipped.


Bitwise comparison. Most significant bit domintes.

Verilog implementation:

module comparator_4_bit (a_gt_b, a_lt_b, a_eq_b, a, b);

input [3:0] a, b;
output a_gt_b, a_lt_b, a_eq_b;

assign a_gt_b = (a > b);
assign a_lt_b = (a < b);
assign a_eq_b = (a == b);


Sequential Circuits

Internal state can change over time, same input value can result different outputs

NAND, NOR gates with feedback have more interesting characteristics, which make them to storage devices.

Feedback circuit example: feedback_cir

NAND Behavior

A QT QT + 1
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

NOR Behavior

A QT QT + 1
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

Storage could enter unsteady states.


Latches are combination of multiple gates of these types. latches

S'R' latch


  • S' and R' are called "set" and "reset" respectively
  • Circuits "remembers" its signal when going from 10 or 01 to 11.
  • Going from 00 to 11 produces unstable behavior, depending on which input changes first
  • 00 is forbidden state
SR latch


  • S and R are called "set" and "reset" respectively
  • Circuits "remembers" previous output when going from 10 or 01 to 00
  • Unstable behavior possible when inputs go from 11 to 00
  • 11 is forbidden state
Timing diagram
S   ▁▁▁▁▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
R   ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Q   ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▁▁▁▁▁▁
Q'  ▔▔▔▔▔▔▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▔▔▔▔


  • TPLH: Propagation time when output goes from Low to High
  • TPHL: Propagation time when output goes from High to Low


  • Timing signal to let circuit know when the output may be sampled
  • Periodic regular signal
  • Usually drawn as
    ┃ Voltage 5V
    ┃ Voltage 0V
    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━> time
  • frequency: How many pulses occur per second, measured in Hertz (Hz)
Clocked SR Latch


  • By adding another layer of NAND gates to the S'R' latch, we get a SR latch with control input
  • Input C is often connected to a pulse signal that alternates regularly between 0 and 1 (clock)
  • Behavior
    • Clock need to be high in order for the inputs to take any Effect


━━┫ S     ┣━━ Q
━━┫ C     ┃
━━┫ R     ┣○━ Q'

The NOT circil is not an extra NOT gate. We got this inversion for free.

D latch


━━┫ D     ┣━━ Q
━━┫ C     ┃
  ┃       ┣○━ Q'
  • By making R and S independent on a signal D, avoid the indeterminate state problem
  • Value of D sets output Q low or high when C is high
  • Timing issue
    • Any changes to its inputs are visible to the output when control signal (clock) is 1
    • output of a latch should not be applied directly or through combinational logic to the input of the same or another latch when they all have the same control signal


Triggered only on a edge of the clock

D Flip-Flop

A D-latch (master) is connected to an SR-latch (slave) with complementary control signals.

Negedge-triggered DFF
      ┏━━━━━━━┓          ┏━━━━━━━┓
D ━━━━┫ D   Q ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ S1  Q ┣━━ Q
C ━━┳━┫ C     ┃    ┏━━━━━┫ C     ┃
    ┃ ┃     Q'┣○━━━╋━━━━━┫ R1  Q'┣○━ Q'
    ┃ ┗━━━━━━━┛    ┃     ┗━━━━━━━┛
Posedge-triggered DFF
       ┏━━━━━━━┓          ┏━━━━━━━┓
D ━━━━━┫ D   Q ┣━━━━━━━━━━┫ S1    ┣━━ Q
C ━▷○┳━┫ C     ┃    ┏━━━━━┫ C     ┃
     ┃ ┃     Q'┣○━━━╋━━━━━┫ R1    ┣○━ Q'
     ┃ ┗━━━━━━━┛    ┃     ┗━━━━━━━┛

Most commonly-used flip-flop

Verilog implementation

reg [1:0] q;

always @ (posedge clk, negedge reset_n)
    if (reset_n == 1'b0)
        q <= 2'b00;
        q <= d;
Other Flip-Flops
T Flip-Flop

Toggles value whenever input T is high

  • If T is 1 @ posedge, output Q will toggle
  • If T is 0 @ negedge, output Q holds on prior state
JK Flip-Flop
  • If J and K are 0, maintain output
  • If J is 0 and K is 1, set output to 0
  • If J is 1 and K is 0, set output to 1
  • If J and K are 1, toggle output value
Timing signal restrictions
  • Setup time: input should be stable for some time before active clock edge
  • Hold time: input should be stable for some time immediately after the active clock edge
  • Time period between two active clock edges cannot be shorter than longest propagation delay between any two flip-flops + setup time of the flip-flop
Reset inputs
  • A way to initialize flip-flop states
  • reset signal resets FF output to 0 (unrelated to R of SE latch)
  • Synchronous reset: only on posedge
  • Asynchronous reset: output is set to 0 immediately, independent of the clock signal
  • often also called Clear

Sequential Circuit Design


Allow storage of information (CPU has many physical registers)

Shift registers

shift_reg A series of DFF can store a multi-bit value (e.g a 16-bit int)

  • Data can be shifted into this register one bit at a time, over 16 clock cycles
Load Registers

load_reg Load reg's values all at once (e.g. a 4-bit load reg)

  • To control when this reg is allowed to load value, use DFF with enable DFF_enable
━━┫ D   Q ┣━━ Q
━━┫ EN    ┃
━━┫ ▷   Q'┣○━ Q'
Register with Parallel Load

parallel_load_reg Maintain value in reg until overwritten by setting EN high


Asynchronous Counter
  • Connect output of one FF to the input of the next => ripple counter
  • Cheap to implement
  • Unreliable for Timing
Synchronous Counter
  • Avoids false counts by having all FFs connected to the same clock
  • Example: 3-bit Counter
Q2 Q1 Q0
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
  • Q0 => every cycle
  • Q1 => When present state of Q0 is 1
  • Q2 => When present state of Q1 is 1

State Machine

Designing with flip-flops

  • Sequential circuits are the basis for memory, instruction processing and any other operation that requires the circuit to remember past data values
  • The past data values are also called the states of the circuit.
  • use combinational logic to determine what the next state of the system should be, based on the present state and current input values.

State tables

helps to illustrate how the state of the circuit change with various input values.

Present State Enable Next State
zero 0 zero
zero 1 one
one 0 one
one 1 two
two 0 two
two 1 three
three 0 three
three 1 four
four 0 four
four 1 five
five 0 five
five 1 six
six 0 six
six 1 seven
seven 0 seven
seven 1 zero

Finite State Machines (FSM)

Models for actual circuit Design

  • A finite set of states
  • A finite set of transitions between states, triggered by inputs to the state machine
  • output values that are associated with each state or each transition
  • Start and end states for the state machine


  1. State diagram
  2. Derive state table from state diagram
  3. Assign FF to each state
  4. rewrite state table with FF values
  5. Circuit design (K-Map), derive combinational circuit for outputs and for each FF output
Moore vs. FSM types


  • output of FSM depend solely on the current FSM state
  • output can change only when state changes
  • in state diagram, outputs are drawn within each circle


  • output depend on the current FSM state and the inputs
  • output can change ass soon as the input changes even if state did not change
  • In state diagram, outputs are drawn on transition
reg [1:0] present_state;

always @ (posedge clk, negedge reset_n)
    if (reset_n == 1'b0)
        present_state <= 2'b00;
        present_state <= next_state;
Combinational circuit A in verilog
reg [1:0] present_state, next_state;

always @ (*)
    case (present_state)
        A: next_state = ...;
        default: next_state = ...;

User symbolic names for states and not hard-coded constants>

localparam [1:0] A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01;
State flip-flops
always @ (posedge clock, negedge resetn)
    if (resetn == 1'b0)
        present_state <= A;
        present_state <= next_state

present_state is outputs Q of our flip-flops
next_state is inputs D of out FF (outputs from combinational circuit A)

FSM's Outputs (Combinational Circuit B)

Implement either with assign statements or an always @(*) block

On Quartus, use State Machine Viewer to observe state table and state diagram, and user Technology Map Viewer to see function/truth table

One-Hot Assignment for FSM
  • need as many FFs as FSM states
  • given n FSM states, each state code will have n-1 bits zero and 1 bit one
  • Simpler, faster logic due to simpler boolean expressions
  • Key points
    • uniquely identify any state just by specifying the 1 flip-flop whose output will be high

Midterm review

Assume you have 5 bits, what is the range of numbers you can represent in 2’s complement?
-16 ~ 15 ?



  • PC: Program counter, holds address of the current instruction
  • zero in ALU changed to CMP
  • IorD
    • instruction or data


Where all data computations take place

Control unit

A big FSM that instructs the datapath to perform all appropriate actions.

Example: compute x2 + 2x

x<sup>2</sup> + 2x

  1. Identify the various datapath components
  2. Identify which signals will be FSM inputs, FSM outputs
  3. Come up with a state diagram/state table
  4. Implement control components and datapath components in verilog
Control Unit Interface
  • System Wide signals
    • clock
    • resetn
  • Output datapath control signal
    • SelxA, SelAB => control MUX outputs
    • ALUop => control ALU operation
    • LdRA, LdRB => load a new value into reg RA, RB
  • Computation done signal
    • done
  • Computation start signal
    • go
Sequence of Operations
Cycle # RA RB Goal SelxA SelAB ALUop LdRA LdRB
1 0 0 Load x to RA, RB 0 Don't care 0 (+) 1 1
2 x x Do x2 and load into RB Don't care Don't care 1 (*) 0 1
3 x x2 Do 2x and replace result in RA Don't care 0 0 (+) 1 0
4 0 0 Compute x2 + 2x (final) 1 1 0 (+) 0 0


  • Cycle 1: x loaded to RA, RB
  • Cycle 2: x2 loaded to RB
  • Cycle 3: 2x loaded to RA
  • Cycle 4: x2 + 2x calculated

If want to freeze datapath, change go to zero

  • stay in the same state if go is logic-0
  • Do not modify contents of registers


  • Registers to store values
  • Adders and shifters to process data
  • Finite state machines to control the process

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

ALU Responsible for processing of all data values in a basic CPU.

  • S in this ALU is a 3-bit vector (S2S1S0) that selects ALU operation.
    • S2 is a mode select bit, indicating whether the ALU is in arithmetic or logic mode
    • S1S0 further specify the operations in each mode
  • Carry bit Cin is used in operations such as incrementing an input value or the overall result.

V,C,N,Z indicate special conditions in the arithmetic result:

  • V: overflow condition, used to detect errors in signed arithmetic
  • C: carry-out bit, used to detect errors in unsigned arithmetic
  • N: negative indicator (sign bit flag)
  • Z: zero-condition indicator, set if result of operation is zero



  • Layered rows of adder units
  • An adder/shifter circuit
  • Booth's Algorithm
Booth's Algorithm
  • X * 001111 = X * 010000 - X * 1

Memory and Registers

Registers: Small number of fast memory unit that allow multiple values to be written simultaneously

Main memory: Larger grid of memory cells that are used to store the main information to be processed by the CPU

m address width:

  • 2m rows
  • each row contains n bits (data width)
  • size of memory is 2m * n bits => 2m * n / 8 Bytes

Memory capacity:

measured in Bytes (1 Byte is 8 bits)

  • KB (kilobyte) = 1024 Bytes = 210 Bytes
  • MB (Megabyte) = 1024 KB = 220 Bytes
  • GB (Gigabyte) = 1024 MB = 230 Bytes

RAM Memory Interface

  • Address port (input): Address-width bit Wide
  • Write Enable (input):
    • Memory write: Memory is modified if 1
    • Memory read: Memory is read if 0
  • Data In (input): data to write if writeEn is 1
  • Data out (output): data read from memory if writeEn is 0

Processor datapath

Program Counter (PC)

Store location of the current instruction

Updating PC
  • for instructions that are 4B long (32 bits), PC need to be incremented by 4, so that next instruction is fetched and executed
  • can also be updated via result of ALU operation
  • every instruction updates PC

Instruction fetch

Bring the instruction the processor should execute next from memory and place it into the instruction register

  • Operation: read from memory
  • use memory address as content of PC register
  • data read out:
    • instruction we need to execute
    • load instruction into instruction register

Decoding instruction

meaning of instruction specified in Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

  • We will be using MIPS illustrate

R-type MIPS instruction have 3-operands:

  • 2 source register
    • acting as data input
  • 1 destination register
    • acting as data output

Load-store architecture

  • only specific instruction allow memory access
  • cannot add a value with a present value in the memory. need to load that into a register first

Example: unsigned subtraction (subu $d, $s, $t)

00000000 00000001 00111000 00100011
000000ss sssttttt ddddd000 00100011

First 6 bits are opcode, specifies the instruction type

Assembly Language

MIPS instruction types instruction

  • R-type (register-type) operates on registers

    • three regs: two source regs (rs & rt) and one destination reg (rd)
    • field coded with all 0 bits when not used
    • opcode is 000000
    • function field (last 6 digit) specifies type of operation being performed
  • I-type (immediate?)

    • a 16-bit immediate field, used for immediate operand, a branch target offset or a displacement for a memory operand
  • J-type

    • only two instructions:
      • jump (j)
      • jump and link (jal)
    • use 26-bit coded address field to specify target of the jump

Control flow

Some operations require the code to branch to one section of code or another (if/else)m and some require the code to jump back and repeat a section of code again (for/while).

Branch instructions

instruction Opcode Syntax Operation
beq 000100 $s, $t, label if ($s == $t) pc += SE(i) << 2
bgtz 000111 $s, label if ($s > 0) pc += SE(i) << 2
blez 000110 $s, label if ($s <= 0) pc += SE(i) << 2
bne 000101 $s, $t, label if ($s != $t) pc += SE(i) << 2
  • key for if statement and loops
  • labels are memory locations
  • addresses are assigned to each label at compile time
  • if branch cond is true, CMP output of ALU is set to 1
    • an input to and AND gate in our datapath along with PCWriteCond
  • i is an offset in # of instructions between the location of the current instructions
    • instruction the processor should fetch next i instructions before (if i < 0) or after (if i > 0) from current branch instruction

Loop in MIPS

Loop in C

for ( <init>; <cond>; <update> ) {
    <for body>

Loop in asm

START:  if (!<cond>) branch to END
        <for body>
UPDATE: <update>
        jump to START


        # $t0 = i, $t1 = j
        add $t1, $zero, $zero       # set t1 to 0
        addi $t0, $zero, 1          # set t0 to 1
        addi $t9, $zero, 100        # set $t9 to 100
START:  slt $t7, $t0, $t9           # set t7 to 1 if i < 100
        beq $t7, $zero, END         # branch if !(i < 100)
        add $t1, $t1, $t0           # j = j + 1
UPDATE: addi $t0, $t0, 1            # i++
        j START

Load & Store instructions

instruction Opcode Syntax Operation
lb 100000 $t, i ($s) $t = SE (MEM [$s + SE(i)]:1)
lbu 100100 $t, i ($s) $t = ZE (MEM [$s + SE(i)]:1)
lh 100001 $t, i ($s) $t = SE (MEM [$s + SE(i)]:2)
lhu 100101 $t, i ($s) $t = ZE (MEM [$s + SE(i)]:2)
lw 100011 $t, i ($s) $t = MEM [$s + SE(i)]:4
sb 101000 $t, i ($s) MEM [$s + SE(i)]:1 = LB ($t)
sh 101001 $t, i ($s) MEM [$s + SE(i)]:2 = LH ($t)
sw 101011 $t, i ($s) MEM [$s + SE(i)]:4 = $t
  • b: byte
  • h: half word
  • w: word
  • SE: Sign-Extension
  • ZE: Zero-Extension

Memory Segments


  • Indicates the start of all static data declarations
  • usually placed above .text segment in .asm file
  • Form: label type value
    • Example:
      • var1: .word 3
      • array1: .byte 'a', 'b'
      • array2: .space 40


  • Indicates the start of the program instructions
  • label for the first instruction to run when executing the program is called main
  • la $d, label loads data from label to $d

call function


  • jal is J-Type instruction
  • updates register $31 ($ra, return address register) and also PC
  • After executed, $ra contains the address of the instruction after the calling site

jr $ra

  • the next PC is the address in $ra
  • jal instruction sets $ra


  • Registers 2-3 ($v0, $v1): return values
  • Registers 4-7 ($a0-$a3): function arguments


  • lw $t0, 0($sp): pop that word off the Stack

  • sw $t0, 0($sp): push

  • Fibonacci.asm

    FIB:	addi $t3, $zero, 10	# initialize n=10
            addi $t4, $zero, 1	# initialize f1=1
            addi $t5, $zero, -1	# initialize f2=-1
    LOOP:	beq $t3, $zero, END	# done loop if n==0
            add $t4, $t4, $t5	# f1 = f1 + f2
            sub $t5, $t4, $t5	# f2 = f1 - f2
            addi $t3, $t3, -1	# n = n – 1
            j LOOP			# repeat until done
    #END:	sb $t4, RES		# store result (we'll talk about this next week)
    END: 	j END			# infinite loop. just for demonstration!
  • Store numbers 1 to 100 to an array, every element is int, starts at location indicated by ARRAY1

    # reserve space, store numbers 1 to 100 to elements
    # an array starting at address indicared by label
    # ARRAY1
    # for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++);
    #   array[i - 1] = i;
    # Alernative
    # i = 1
    # while (i != 100)
    #   a[i - 1] = i;
    #   i = i + 1;
    # $t0 holds i
    # $t1 keep track of address array element
    ARRAY1: .space 400
    main:   la $st1, ARRAY1         # initialize array address
            addi $t0, $zero, 1      # $t0 will contain 1
            addi $t3, $zero, 101     # store comparator 101 in reg $t3
    LOOP:   beq $t0, $t3, END       # compare $t1
            sw  $t0, 0($t1)         # store word (integer)
            addi $t0, $t0, 1        # increment i
            addi $t1, $t1, 4        # update memory address
            j LOOP
    END:    j END                   # DONE
    • $t, i($s) specifies we are accessing MEM[$s + SE(i)]
  • store content of reg $t2 to memory location with address ($t1 + 8)

    1. write assembly code sw $s2, 8($t1)

Past test


  • Q5
    module OptionalSwap16(a, b, clk, swap, c, d)
        input [15:0] a, b;
        input clk, swap;
        output reg [15:0] c, d;
        reg [15:0] a_out, b_out;
        wire [15:0] mux1_out, mux2_out;
        always @ (posedge clk) begin
            a_out <= a;
            b_out <=b;


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