- check_graphite_metric Check metrics provided by a graphite installation. Useful if you have a running graphite monitoring system in place and want to set alerts through nagios without duplication of scripts running locally, and setting nrpe or ssh checks.
Requires running graphite. Allows https interfaces with user authentication. Allows lo/hi thresholds for alerts.
Set a service check similar to this:
define command{
command_name check_graphite_metric
command_line $USER1$/check_graphite_metric -H $HOSTNAME$ $ARG1$
define service{
use generic-service
service_description your_check
check_command check_graphite_metric!-W TH_W_HI -C TH_C_HI -w TH_W_LO -c TH_C_LO -m '%HOST%.your.metric.name'
- notify_service_by_email_html.sh Send service notifications in html format, with extended information. If the service checked is a graphite_metric then include the graph image and links to wider time frames for extra information, as well as links to nagios reports and acknowledge functions. For non-grahite checks include nagios' native graph of status history. Requires nagios to pass environment variables to scripts, with enable_environment_macros=1 on nagios.cfg
Set the notification like:
define command{
command_name notify-service-by-email
command_line $USER1$/notify_service_by_email_html.sh $CONTACTEMAIL$