All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Added: FoldoutAttribute. Thanks to PixeyeHQ!
- Added: UnityEvent inspector revamp! Now it's foldable and reorderable :). Thanks to Byron Mayne!
- Fix: TransformShakeExtension critical bug fixed
- Added: Reorderable Collections!
- Added: Transform.StartShake and Transform.EndShake extension methods. Use on Camera transform for screen shake effect for instance
- Added: NavMeshPath.GetPointsOnPath extension to split path on evenly distributed points
- Added: MyEditor.CopyToClipboard method. Copy string via script like with Ctrl+C
- Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute works on custom types inside of collections
- Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute now works much faster!
- Changed: ColliderGizmo now also highlights NavMeshObstacles
- GUIDComponent updated
- Fix: Compilation error fixed
- Fix: MyBox Updater fixed. Exceptional cases logged with warnings
- Added: Commentary component. Add commentaries in inspector;
- Fix: UIRelativePosition fixes;
- Few redundant warnings removed
- Versioning changed to release patches more often without extra warnings
- Added: UIRelativePosition type allows to align UI element relative to some other RectTransform with offsets and stuff
- Added: AssetPath and AssetFolderPath types. String wrappers with "Browse" button in inspector. Thanks to Nate Wilson (wilsnat) for the idea
- Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute now works on fields with custom inspectors! Thanks to Nate Wilson (wilsnat)
- Changed: RangedInt/Float and MinMaxInt/Float now have constructors for static instantiation
- Fix: ConditionalFieldAttribute always hide the field if "compare to" values were not assigned
- RequireLayer and RequireTag attributes
- MonoSingleton Type
- Fixed indent issue with nested inspector for MinMaxInt/Float, Optional, OptionalMinMax type
- MySceneBundle is a Tool to transfer data from one scene to another. Thanks to Kaynn-Cahya for this addition!
- Fix: breaking problem with MyCoroutines type
- Added: MinMaxInt/Float Clamp and Lerp extension methods
- Added: MinMaxInt/Float Length and MidPoint extension methods
- Now MyBox will automatically check for updates!
- Compilation errors fixed
- Removed obsolete warning
Let's take it as the first release since now you are able to install MyBox with Package Manager and update it with "Tools/MyBox/Check for updates"