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FUNStools is python toolkit for FUNS project.

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funstools is a python toolkit for the TRAO-FUNS data analysis (S. Kim et al. 2020, in preparation).

funstools is a python toolkit that contains the useful functions and core tools needed for the analysis of TRAO-FUNS project. It is based on the astropy, scipy, and matplotlib packages, which are well used in astrophysics.


pip install git+


astropy matplotlib scipy

User Documentations

RMS noise map

Using get_rms

funstools.get_rms returns the RMS noise map of input cube data.

from funstools import get_rms
rms = get_rms(cube, where='both', size=200)

Using Cube2map

funstools.Cube2map is more useful to make maps including RMS noise map from cube data.

from funstools import Cube2map
cube = Cube2map('sample_cube.fits', getrms='both', rmssize=200, velocity_smo=2, spatial_smo=2)
rms = cube.rms
rms_smoothed = cube.srms

You can save maps you made to fits using save_fits.
Cube2map.header2d is FITS header for 2d-image data.

from funstools import save_fits
save_fits('rms.fits', cube.rms, cube.header2d, overwrite=True)
save_fits('rms_smoothed.fits', cube.srms, cube.header2d, overwrite=True)

Cube2map.wcs2d is 2d (RA-Dec) wcs information for matplotlib projection.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=cube.wcs2d)
ax.imshow(cube.rms, origin='lower')

Moments maps

Moment 0 (integrated intensity)

funstools.Cube2map.moment0() and funstools.Cube2map.m0 return the integrated intensity map of input cube data.


# Using velocity range
cube.moment0(vr=[v1, v2])

# Using channel range
cube.moment0(cr=[ch1, ch2])

# Return the most recently computed moment 0 map
# If there is not pre-computed moment 0 map,
#    return the moment 0 map with cr=[rmssize, -rmssize]

# Return with RMS_moment0
m0, m0rms = cube.moment0(verbose=True)

# Save to fits
save_fits('moment0.fits', cube.m0, cube.header2d, overwrite=True)

# Make figure
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=cube.wcs2d)
ax.imshow(cube.m0, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=np.nanpercentile(cube.m0, 99.9))

Moment 1 (intensity weighted mean velocity)

funstools.Cube2map.moment1() and funstools.Cube2map.m1 return the intensity weighted mean velocity map of input cube data.


# Using channel range
cube.moment1(cr=[ch1, ch2])

# Return the most recently computed moment 1 map

Moment 2 (velocity dispersion)

funstools.Cube2map.moment2() and funstools.Cube2map.m2 return the intensity weighted mean velocity map of input cube data.


# Using channel range
cube.moment2(cr=[ch1, ch2])

# Return the most recently computed moment 2 map

Example script for Cube2map.moment#()

from funstools import Cube2map
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from multiaxes import Multiaxes

# set baseline channel size
rs = 200

# load cube data
cube = Cube2map('/.../TRAO-FUNS/SerB/release/SerB_C18O_v10_match_cube.fits', 
                rmssize=rs, velocity_smo=2, spatial_smo=2)

# set map x-y ratio
xyr = float(

# draw figure using Multiaxes
mx = Multiaxes(2, 3, 1, xyr, 0.36, 0.56, cb=0.1, clab=0.34, scale=0.7, proj=cube.wcs2d)
mx.shareaxes((False, True), 0.1)
fig, ax, cax = mx.drawfig()

# set map title, colormap, vmin, vmax
title = [r'Integrated inteisity (K km s$^{-1}$)',
         r'Intensity weighted mean velocity (km s$^{-1}$)',
         r'Velocity dispersion (km s$^{-1}$)']
cmaps = ['inferno', 'jet', 'coolwarm']
vmin = [0., 7.3, 0.3]
vmax = [4.5, 9.8, 1.3]

# make moment maps and draw figure
map = []
for i in range(3):
    map.append(getattr(cube, 'moment{}'.format(i))())
    cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmaps[i])
    cmaps[i] = cmap
    cs = ax[i].imshow(map[i], cmap=cmaps[i], vmin=vmin[i], vmax=vmax[i])
    plt.colorbar(cs, cax[i], orientation='horizontal')
    if i == 0:
        ax[i].coords[0].set_axislabel('R.A. (J2000)')
        ax[i].coords[1].set_axislabel('Dec. (J2000)')
        ax[i].coords[0].set_axislabel(' ')
        ax[i].coords[1].set_axislabel(' ')

# save figure


Channel maps

funstools.Cube2map.chmap() return the channel maps and labels for their velocity ranges.

# Using velocity range
maps, labels = cube.chmap(mn=9, vr=(vr1, vr2))

# Using channel range
maps, labels = cube.chmap(mn=9, cr=(cr1, cr2))

Example for Cube2map.chmap()

from funstools import Cube2map
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from multiaxes import Multiaxes

# set baseline channel size
rs = 200

# load cube data
cube = Cube2map('/.../TRAO-FUNS/SerB/release/SerB_C18O_v10_match_cube.fits', 
                rmssize=rs, velocity_smo=2, spatial_smo=2)

# draw figure using Multiaxes
mx = Multiaxes(2, 3, 2, 1, 0.36, 0.56, margin=(0.02, 0.02, 0.71, 0.02), scale=0.7, proj=cube.wcs2d)
mx.shareaxes((True, True), 0.1)
fig, ax, _ = mx.drawfig()
cax = mx.sharecolorbar('right', 0.15, 0.1)

# set map value_range, colormap
vr = [0., 1.55]
cmap = plt.get_cmap('nipy_spectral')

# make moment maps and draw figure
maps, labels = cube.chmap(6, (6.3, 9.9))
for i in range(6):
    iax = ax[i//3, i%3]
    cs = iax.imshow(maps[i], cmap=cmap, vmin=vr[0], vmax=vr[1])
    iax.set_xlim(26.5, 66.5)
    iax.set_ylim(163.5, 203.5)
    iax.annotate(labels[i]+' km/s', xy=(0.55, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', 
                 ha='center', va='baseline', color='white', fontsize='large')
    if i == 3:
        iax.coords[0].set_axislabel('R.A. (J2000)')
        iax.coords[1].set_axislabel('Dec. (J2000)')
        iax.coords[0].set_axislabel(' ')
        iax.coords[1].set_axislabel(' ')
plt.colorbar(cs, cax)
cax.set_ylabel(r'Integrated intensity (K km s$^{-1}$)')

# save figure


Line scanning

funstools.Cube2map.line_scan() is the viewer of line profiles for 3 by 3 pixels.

Since the onclick event is activated, you can move a location by clicking a pixel on the left intensity map or clicking the direction you want to go on the right line profile map.

# set the velocity range (x-axis range of plot)
cube.line_scan(vr=(5.5, 11.))


Full line set scanning

funstools.full_line_scan() is the viewer of line profiles for full line sets of TRAO-FUNS.

Since the onclick event is activated, you can move a location by clicking a pixel on the left intensity map.

from funstools import full_line_scan

# For the original otfpro output data
loc = '/.../TRAO-FUNS/SerB/fits/'
full_line_scan(loc, vr=(3, 13), ver='otfpro')

# For the released data
loc = '/.../TRAO-FUNS/SerB/release/'
full_line_scan(loc, vr=(3, 13), ver='release')


Gaussian decomposing

funstools.Decompose is a python class that automatically decomposes multiple Gaussian components from the C18O molecular line cube data of the TRAO-FUNS observations.

from funstools import Decompose

path = '/.../TRAO-FUNS/OriB1/release/'
cube = Decompose(path+'OriB1_C18O_v10_match_cube.fits',
                 rmssize=200, spasmo_find=5, velsmo_find=5, spasmo_fit=1,
  • cube — path of input cube data.
  • ext — extension number of fits file. Default is the first extension with image (2-D) data.
  • getrms — ('left', 'right', or 'both') location of baseline channels to measure rms noise level.
  • rmssize — size of baseline channels to measure rms noise level.
  • max_rms — maximum rms level to mask noisy pixels.
  • snr — signal-to-noise ratio to mask undetected pixels.

funstools.Decompose performs the spatial and velocity smoothing of the input cube data in STEP 1. The spatial smoothing is aimed at ensuring spatial consistency and avoiding local fluctuations when estimating the number of velocity components. The velocity smoothing improves the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the effect of noise.

  • spasmo_find & velsmo_find — spatial and velocity smoothing factors in STEP 1

However, excessive smoothing degrades spatial and velocity resolutions and impairs the detail of physical and kinematic information presented by individual spectrum (or pixels). Thus, in STEP 2 and 3, different smoothing factors from STEP 1 are used to achieve the spatial continuity and signal-to-noise ratio at the minimum required level.

  • spasmo_fit & velsmo_fit — spatial and velocity smoothing factors fot fitting in STEP 2 and 3

The velocity position (mean velocity) of the specific velocity component determined in STEP 1 needs to be maintained without significant change in the subsequent fitting process. This is because there can be countless mathematical solutions when decomposing a composite spectrum of velocity components overlapping each other with a small velocity difference.

  • mlim — limit of mean velocity variation in optimization

The linewidth of the individual velocity components also needs to be limited in an appropriate range as it should not be smaller than the channel width of the spectrum or larger than a physically possible value.

  • wmin & wmax — minimum and maximum limit of FWHM of line width

In optimization process using curve_fit, the bounds key is set as ...

# mi = initial guess of mean
curve_fit(..., bounds={'mean': (mi-mlim, mi+mlim), 'stddev': (wmin, wmax)})

funstools.Decompose.run_decompose() continuously performs the following three-step fitting and finally returns a table of decomposed Gaussian components.

STEP 1: Estimating the number of components and initial guess for fitting

The C18O molecular line spectra of the filamentary molecular clouds obtained from the TRAO-FUNS observations appears in the form of multiple velocity compoents overlapped in the line of sight. A minimum of one or two to a maximum of six or seven velocity components are identified in a spectrum and distributed within a narrow velocity range of 2–6 km/s.

It is very difficult to decompose these spectra into multiple Gaussian components, especially in the case where each peak is not clearly distinguishable and appears as a shoulder or a skewed profile with small velocity differences. For reliable multiple Gaussian decomposition, it is particularly important to determine the following paramters.

  • Nc — The number of Gaussian components of each spectrum
  • ai, mi, si — Initial Gaussian parameters of each velocity component
    • ai = amplitute (or peak intensity)
    • mi = mean velocity (or velocity position)
    • si = standard deviation (or velocity dispersion)

Nc and initial Gaussian parameters (ai, mi, si) is determined by funstools.find_comps(). Nc and mi of each pixel is initially determined by funstools.predict_peaks() using the python functions of numpy.gradient and scipy.signal.find_peaks. numpy.gradient returns the gradient of an N-dimensional array and scipy.signal.find_peaks takes a 1-dimensional array and finds all local maxima by simple comparison of neighboring values with conditions for selecting.

def predict_peaks(spectrum, rms)
    grad = -numpy.gradient(numpy.gradient(spectrum))
    peaks, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(grad, prominence=rms/3)
    return peaks[spectrum[peaks] > rms]

The initial Nc and mi are adjusted to a value with spatial continuity via spatial smoothing. The initial ai is assumed to be the intensity of channel whose velocity is M in the smoothed spectrum, and the initial si is assumed 0.2 km/s which is about the minimum value of the C18O line width measured in the TRAO-FUNS target clouds.

The funstools.Decompose.initial_fit() optimizes this initial Gaussian parameters (ai, mi, si) to accurately reproduce smoothed spectrum using scipy.optimize.curve_fit and multiple Gaussian function expressed as the sum of Nc Gaussian functions. Gaussian parameters for each velocity component of each pixel determined by funstools.Decompose.initial_fit() are returned as a table.

# initial_fit returns a result table
fitres1 = cube.initial_fit()

# also automatically saved in Decompose.initial_fit_result
#    without assigning variable
fitres1 = cube.initial_fit_result

The resulting table has 9 columns (rp, dp, tn, cn, tp, vp, sd, dv, and area).

  • rp — pixel coordinate in x-axis (R.A.)
  • dp — pixel coordinate in y-axis (Dec.)
  • tnNc, total number of components in this pixel
  • cn — order of this component in this pixel
  • tpai, amplitute or peak intensity of this component
  • vpmi, mean velocity or velocity position of this component
  • sdsi, standard deviation, velocity dispersion or line width of this component
  • dv — FWHM width of this component
  • area — Gaussian area or integrated intensity of this component

funstools.Decompose.plot_fit() is a simple and interactive viewer to scan the fitting result.

cube.plot_fit(fitres1, vr=(6, 12))


STEP 2: Multiple Gaussian fitting using initial guess

Since the Gaussian parameters obtained in STEP 1 is optimized for the smoothed spectrum, it still does not reproduce the original spectrum of each pixel. In STEP 2, multiple Gaussian fitting is again performed for the spectrum of each pixel with less or no smoothing using the result of STEP 1 as initial guess.

fitres2 = cube.second_fit_result
cube.plot_fit(fitres2, vr=(6, 12))


STEP 3: Final fitting for spatial continuity

The decomposed velocity components will not be structures that exist individually for each pixel, but rather velocity coherent structures that exist across many pixels. For a mathematically more complete solution (with minimum chi-square), the composite spectrum of the decomposed velocity components can more accurately reproduce the observed spectrum of the pixel. However, a solution with high spatial continuity is more valuable physically or kinematically, even if it is less perfect mathematically.

In contrast, if the spatial continuity is too enforced in the decomposition process, it cannot be ruled out that false continuity that does not exist in nature will contaminate the decomposition result.

It is still contemplating at what level and how to consider spatial continuity.

In STEP 3 of the current version of funstools.Decompose, an initial guess is determined based on the decomposition result of surrounding pixels, and the final multiple Gaussian fitting is performed using this to derive a more spatially continuous solution.

fitres3 = cube.final_fit_result
cube.plot_fit(fitres3, vr=(6, 12))


Using Decompose.run_decompose()

funstools.Decompose.run_decompose() sequentially performs STEP 1, 2, and 3 listed above and returns the final result. Results for each step can also be called.

# excute sequentially all STEP

# call results for each STEP
fitres1 = cube.initial_fit_result
fitres2 = cube.second_fit_result
fitres3 = cube.final_fit_result

# loading previously saved decomposing result
from import read
fitres = read(path+'OriB1_C18O_decompose_result.dat')

# plot decomposing result
cube.plot_fit(fitres, vr=(6, 12))

Finding velocity-coherent structure

(in prepareation)

Calculating physical properties

(in prepareation)


FUNStools is python toolkit for FUNS project.






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