This is where my configs live.
Set up prompt for git user and email
Set up auto
git config --global credential.helper "/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Git/mingw64/bin/git-credential-manager.exe"
Set up auto git rebase and autostash
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd doftiles
- Run the installation script:
make install
- If you want to install specific configurations:
make stow-zsh stow-neovim ...
- If you want to install the entire configuration:
make stow
- If you want to uninstall configurations:
make unstow-zsh unstow-neovim ...
- If you want to uninstall the entire configuration:
make unstow
- You may optionally want to adopt the packages from your current setup.
make adopt-zsh adopt-neovim ...
- Additional packages can be created by making a stow package-directory and adding an entry to the Makefile's PACKAGES.