A simple, ultra-lighweigth (1.3kb) angular service whice executes callbacks when user goes idle or active
Installation is easy as Idleness has no dependencies.
$ bower install angular-idleness
When you are done downloading all this, the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the angular-idleness
AngularJS module:
angular.module('myModule', ['angular-idleness']);
This was tested to work with the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Latest Firefox
- IE 8, 9, 10 and 11
- Opera
Also Tested on Galaxy S3 Mobile Android (4.3) using Mobile Chrome, Firefox Mobile, Opera Mini, and the Stock Android
Modern mobile browsers should work without problems.
On your run blocks
app.run(function (idleness) {
app.controller('MyController', function (idleness) {
idleness.onIdle(function() {
console.log('i am idle :(');
}, function() {
alert('i am alive');
Or you can explicitly set the onIdle and onNotIdle functions
app.controller('MyController', function ($rootScope, idleness) {
idleness.onIdleFn = function() {
$rootScope.idle = true;
idleness.onNotIdle = function() {
$rootScope.idle = false;