This firmware is customized version of the original Marlin-1.1.6 firmware.
The necessary parameters for delta printers were taken from the CN firmware (from sd card), and modified for the Linear Plus model.
If you want to use this firmware for a non plus model, you need to change the following parameters:
DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS 116.0 // 90.0 for pulley
DELTA_RADIUS 116.0 // 90.4 for pulley
DELTA_HEIGHT 300 // no sense to change, because have a automatic calibration
Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER -24.4 // height of a V2 probe (from the switch bottom to nozzle).
The latest firmware have a auto-calibration mode (G33).
For use this feature you need to assemble the probe and connect it to the pins of the Z- (
More information about of the auto-calibration see in the documentation: