A simple easy to use Javascript interface to the Philips Hue API
npm install ez-hue
This example is written in coffeescript.
{ Api, LightGroup } = require 'ez-hue'
# TODO: Get your username following the steps on
# https://developers.meethue.com/documentation/getting-started
# You can get your bridge IP address running (new Api).hostname
USERNAME = "your-username"
# if you don't know the bridge IP and want the Api to the get it
# for you
api = new Api { username: USERNAME } # IP on api.hostname
# or, if you know it
api = new Api { username: USERNAME, hostname: '' }
lights = api.getLights() # lights.array contains an array with the
# lights, lights.object contains the lights
# indexed by name
lights.turnOn() # Turn on all lights
lights.turnOff() # Turn them off
lights.Bola.turnOn() # Turn on only light with name 'Bola',
# note that lights also has all properties that
# lights.object has (light names)
lights.setBrightness 0.7 # Set brightness of all lights to 70%
lights.Bola.setBrightness 1 # Set light with name 'Bola' to
# full brightness
lights.setColor 'FF5500' # Set color of all lights to #FF5500.
lights.Bola.setColor 'orange' # Set color of light with name 'Bola'
# to orange
lights.LivingRoom1.setColor 'rgb(124, 96, 200)' # Set color of light
# with name
# 'LivingRoom1' to
# rgb(124, 96, 200)
lights.setTransitionTime 0 # Default is 4 (400ms). This means for a
# value of x, lights will take x*100ms to
# change state when an operation is
# applied to them
# Create a light group to perform operations on all its lights
# at the same time. The value returned by api.getLights() is also
# a LightGroup
bedRoomLights = new LightGroup [ lights.bedRoomTable
lights.bedRoomCeiling ]
# bedRoomLights.bedRoomTable, bedRoomLights.bedRoomCeiling to access
# individual lights
# or, if you want to give them new names
bedRoomLights = new LightGroup { table: lights.bedRoomTable
ceiling: lights.bedRoomCeiling }
bedRoomLights.turnOff() # Going to sleep boi
.setColor('LightYellow') # Nevermind I'll read a book
# Add/remove
bedRoomLights.add lights.bedRoomStrip, 'strip' # Add light with name
# 'bedRoomStrip' to
# the group and alias
# it to 'strip'
# (alias is optional)
bedRoomLights.remove 'strip' # Remove it from the group
lights.Bola.rename 'Ball' # Renames light Bola to Ball
lights.Ball.rename 'Bola' # Rename back to Bola.
# Notice that all the LightGroup instances
# are automatically updated with the
# new name. This means an array is kept
# with all the LightGroup instances.
# To disable this behavior in case
# you continuously create and delete
# tons of lightGroups you can set
# LightGroup.automaticRename = off
# Now you can instead notify the rename to
# each LightGroup instance manually with
# myLightGroup.notifyRename('Ball', 'Bola')
do randomMadness = (lights) ->
COLOR_CHARS = "abcdef0123456789"
pickRandom = (a) -> a[Math.round(Math.random()*(a.length-1))]
randomInRange = (a, b) -> Math.random()*(b-a) + a
randomTime = -> Math.floor randomInRange(100,5000)
f = (light) ->
(pickRandom(COLOR_CHARS) for i in [0...6]).join("")
setTimeout((-> f(light)), randomTime())
f light for light in lights.array
See https://github.com/One-com/one-color for all available color formats for light.setColor
Every light, for instance lights.Bola in the example, contains this properties (values are just an example).
api // Api from new Api to which the light belongs
lightId: '2', // Light id generated by the Hue Api
{ on: true,
bri: 254,
hue: 9785,
sat: 254,
effect: 'none', // Can be 'none' or 'colorloop', in which the light will cycle through all colors with current saturation and brightness settings
xy: [ 0.4921, 0.458 ], // Color description
ct: 424, // Color temperature
alert: 'none',
colormode: 'xy',
reachable: true }, // Whether the light is reachable (most likely indicates whether it has power or not)
type: 'Extended color light',
name: 'Bola',
modelid: 'LCT010',
manufacturername: 'Philips',
uniqueid: 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX-XX',
swversion: '1.15.2_r19181',
swconfigid: 'F921C859',
productid: 'Philips-LCT010-1-A19ECLv4'
Note that because light names are used as keys you should not
have any duplicate light names in your setup. You can change the light
names in the Hue Mobile App or Website (https://my.meethue.com) or
via light.name.rename(newName)
(see renaming lights section in the
Also, note that light groups and operations on lights (turnOn, setBrightness, etc.) are both properties of the light group. This means you cannot have any light named 'turnOn', or 'setColor' and so on, although that would be weird.
This API is not complete. There is some functionality that the Philips Hue API offers which is not implemented. The aim of this interface is to be simple rather than to offer complete functionality. PR are welcome though.
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