Pluralize is a Swift only port of the string inflection functionality from InflectorKit.
import InflectorKit
for singular in ["person", "tomato", "matrix", "octopus", "fish"] {
print("\(singular) → \(singular.pluralized)")
person → people
tomato → tomatoes
matrix → matrices
octopus → octopi
fish → fish
// You can also add pluralization rules,
// including irregular and uncountable words:
let inflector = StringInflector.default
inflector.addPluralRule(#"^i(Pod|Pad)( Mini)?$"#, replacement: #"i$1s$2"#)
inflector.addIrregular(singular: "lol", plural: "lolz")
for singular in ["iPad Mini", "lol", "Herokai"] {
print("\(singular) → \(singular.pluralized)")
iPad Mini → iPads Mini
lol → lolz
Herokai → Herokai
Add the Pluralize package to your target dependencies in Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourProject",
dependencies: [
url: "",
from: "1.0.0"
Then run the swift build
command to build your project.