Work in progress
Everything is ansible managed, but if you want to develop locally...
Create provisioning/files/nginx-site-files/config.php:
define("DATABASE_PATH", __DIR__ . '/../../../database.sqlite');
Then in this directory:
sqlite3 database.sqlite 'VACUUM;'
sqlite3 database.sqlite 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS players (password text PRIMARY KEY CHECK(length(password) == 15), name text NOT NULL CHECK(length(name) <= 15), email text);';
sqlite3 database.sqlite 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kills (id integer PRIMARY KEY CHECK(id >= 0), time integer NOT NULL CHECK(time > 0), killer text NOT NULL CHECK(length(killer) == 15), killed text NOT NULL CHECK(length(killed) == 15));';
cd provisioning/files/nginx-site-files
php -S
And the site is served at
Note that the table definitions are located in provisioning/files/teeworlds/database/