Raise your confidence in English by practicing and speaking with this platform.
Here you will find endless of cards about different topics to practice English and take your skills to the next level.
The project was made with Django Rest Framework and React
- New cards with questions are generated using LLM.
- Current cards are translated to other languages using LLM.
- Access both free and premium cards. To unlock premium content, simply create an account.
- You can save your cards in your favorite section.
- You can give us your feedback, it will be useful to create new topics.
- Set the next environment variables inside of .env file in src/ dir:
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run server:
python manage.py runserver
- First, make sure you have running redis in your computer and run the celery worker. In the src/ dir run the next command:
celery -A main worker -l INFO
- Run celery beat:
celery -A main beat -l INFO
- Set the environment variables inside of .env file in front/ dir:
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Run
npm start