Pre-trained language models together with the finetuning practices have been experiencing a remarkable improvement at NLP tasks during the last years. These models are learnt from well-written text corpora that share characteristics of academical and literary grammar, syntax, and lexicon. Literary works, Wikipedia and News are a few examples of these. When it comes to Tweet Spambot Recognition, we must deal with a big drawback: the difficulty of leveraging the prior knowledge of language models when applied on data that belong to an especially different domain. Social media text, such as Twitter tweets, features many peculiarities (own memes, emojis, hashtags, “at” symbols, misspellings, grammar incorrectness, etc.).
In order to explore how these language models generalize on these web data distributions, we explored some Deep Learning language model architectures to research how they perform at the tweet Spambot Classification task. We used a fine-tuning approach to test the classification performance of BERT, BiLSTMs, and other classic Machine Learning techniques at several tweet data datasets. Our results show several experiments that yielded satisfactory performance. Hence, further research is needed to exploit the text-level classification against the traditional meta-data techniques that spend a lot of time and computational resources.
├───An-Empirical-study-on-Pre-trained-Embeddings-and-Language-Models-for-Bot-Detection [1], [2]
│ └───dataset generation
│ └───classification_processed
│ └───datasets_full
│ └───ssb_tokenized
└───text-preprocessing-techniques [3]
This work has borrowed preprocessing techniques and datasets from Garcia-Silva et al. [1], Gilani et al. [2] and Kamps et al. [3].
An-Empirical-study-on-Pre-trained-Embeddings-and-Language-Models-for-Bot-Detection is a cloned folder from the project of Garcia-Silva et al. to scrape and preprocess a dataset.
The following folders contain experiments with all the datasets
text-preprocessing-techniques Contains a custom preprocessing from Kamps et al. and contain sampling and dataset generation scripts.
Preprocessing_test_set.ipynb samples the test set of the dataset SSB2 and SSB3
[1] A. Garcia-Silva, C. Berrio, and J. M. Gómez-Pérez, “An Empirical Study on Pre-trained Embeddings and Language Models for Bot Detection,” in Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP-2019), 2019, pp. 148– 155, doi: 10.18653/v1/W19-4317 [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Jan 2022]
[2] Z. Gilani, E. Kochmar, and J. Crowcroft, “Classification of Twitter Accounts into Automated Agents and Human Users,” in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2017, 2017, pp. 489–496, doi: 10.1145/3110025.3110091 [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jan-2022]
[22] D. Effrosynidis, S. Symeonidis, and A. Arampatzis, “A Comparison of Pre-processing Techniques for Twitter Sentiment Analysis,” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, vol. 10450, J. Kamps, G. Tsakonas, Y. Manolopoulos, L. Iliadis, and I. Karydis, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 394–406 [Online]. Available: 319-67008-9_31. [Accessed: 16-Jan-2022]