You need:
- java 11
- maven
Open project path with command line Than you can use spring-boot-plugin (maven)
spring-boot:run -f pom.xml
Application is ready
You also can do it with standard maven packaging
mvn package -f pom.xml
After testing and packaging, you can see target folder, go to that folder with command line
Target include our application - jar file. Start it with command (jar filename may be different, check it before start)
java -jar phonebook-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
** Application use inmemory database
** For using another, you should edit files:
dependencies (jdbc-connectors)
The main page for user:
json example for transfer:
"id": 1,
"login": "Bill"
Request | Type | address | description | return result |
get all users | GET | ./api/v1/users/ | - | multi |
get user by id | GET | ./api/v1/users/{id} | {id} - user's identifier | single |
add user | POST | ./api/v1/users/ | json, id should be null, but not necessary, the system will assign a new | single |
edit user | PUT | ./api/v1/users/ | json | single |
delete user | DELETE | ./api/v1/users/{id} | {id} - user's identifier | only http-code |
search user | GET | ./api/v1/users/find?login={user} | {user} - user's login or part of it | multi |
The main page for user:
json example for transfer:
"id": 1,
"userId": 1,
"name": "Test Name",
"phone": "3466"
Request | Type | address | description | return result |
get note by id | GET | ./api/v1/notes/{id} | {id} - note's identifier | single |
add note | POST | ./api/v1/notes/ | json, id should be null, but not necessary, the system will assign a new | single |
edit note | PUT | ./api/v1/notes/ | json | single |
delete note | DELETE | ./api/v1/notes/{id} | {id} - note's identifier | only http-code |
get all notes by user | GET | ./api/v1/notes/user/{user_id} | {user_id} - user's identifier | multi |
search note | GET | ./api/v1/notes/user/{user_id}/find?phone={phone} | {user_id} - user's identifier, {phone} - phone or part of it | multi |