This repo contains the package needed for the RL and FSR modules final exam. Media folder contains a pdf describing the project and a video of a complete simulation. The video is modified to run at 4x speed.
This package allows to simulate the control of a quadruped robot and the locomotion in an unkown environment. The last stable version is tested on Ubuntu 20.04 OS, using ROS Noetic and Gazebo 11.5.1.
This package also contains:
- A modified version of the DogBotV4 by ReactRobotics
- A modified version of the Towr project, extended to use the DogBotV4 model
- Alglib library needed for the controller quadratic problem
- A modified version of QRCodeGenerator, used to generate png files for the QR Markers
- A scene reproducing a home-like environment
- A gazebo plugin to test external forces effects on the robot
- Install Dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libeigen3-dev coinor-libipopt-dev ros-noetic-gmapping libzbar-dev
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
- Build IPOPT
$ git clone
$ cd ifopt
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
- Build Towr
$ git clone
$ cd towr/towr
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ make
$ sudo make install
- Install IDynTree IDynTree Library is also needed to run this package. To install and build it follow the steps described in: iDynTree
Finally to install the package clone this repo in your catkin workspace and then build it with catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
To run the simulation follow this steps in order:
Run the simulation using
roslaunch project project.launch
Start the controller using
rosrun project apf
Press play in gazebo to start the simulation
- Change Room Coordinates : if you're using a different simulation scene and need to change the rooms' coordinates, values are defined in the service_server.cpp file. Changing these values also may result in exploring the given scene in a different room order.
- Change Marker ID : to change the ID the robot has to find modify the variable _marker_desiderato defined in the globalplanner.cpp file. Follows a list of all the encrypted ID's.
Room | ID |
Room1 | ID1234 |
Room2 | ID2997 |
Room3 | ID0101 |
To use the QR Code generator library in the package first you need to build it with the following instructions.
cd project/cpp-qr-to-png-master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make all
Then generate a QR Code as a png file with
cd project/cpp-qr-to-png-master/build/src
sudo ./main
You'll then be prompted to enter a string to encrypt as QR, and a name for the file. Note that the file name has to end with the ".svg" extension and there's no input validation loop.