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G Desktop Suite - v.conscious-club/0.2.0

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@alexkim205 alexkim205 released this 15 May 22:16
· 22 commits to master since this release

Version Conscious Club

It's been a long time since the last release, but it's finally here!

Updates for users:

  • Night mode!
  • Document name visible in title bar
  • Fixed login issues. Thanks @Praveer1981, @ithieund, and @MiMoHo for bringing this to my attention.
  • Rebranded Google Drive Electron --> G Desktop Suite

Updates for devs:

  • Removed gulp, sass, pug, jquery, and a lot of other bloat.
  • Updated packages to the latest and greatest.
  • Use yarn instead of npm.
  • Use electron-builder instead of electron-packager to significantly reduce the sizes of the executables. (~70% reduction!)

There were major app-breaking updates to Chrome that changed how they let unsupported browsers like Electron access their OAuth servers, which was why some of you had trouble logging into the app. I've done away with the pesky and deprecated <webview> tag and used BrowserView as suggested by the official Electron documentation here.