📚 ISTBQ 2023 (current) Software and System Testing Standards
Key Concepts:
- QA "Testers" (traditional)
- Trigger failures and find defects (typically at the end of the development lifecycle).
- Quality Assurance Engineers (modern)
- Evaluate work products such as requirements, timelines, user stories, designs, and code.
- Ensure required coverage of the complete end to end test object.
- Reduce the level of risk of inadequate software quality (reduce risk, not ensure perfection).
- Verify requirements have been fulfilled.
- Verify the test object complies with contractual, legal, and regulatory requirements.
- Provide information to stakeholders to allow them to make informed decisions.
- Build confidence in the quality of the test object.
- Validate the test object is complete and works as the stakeholders expect it to.
- Trigger failures and find defects.
🖥️ ^ Sample Test Object is a Hacker News Clone, forked and running locally. (React, Remix, Typescript, Node)
- Page Object Models
- Simple, effective testcases. Ideally targeting a single unit of functionality.
- Testcases are indexed and tagged, aligning to both Manaul Testcases and Automated Tests (grep).
- Testcases are in CSV, formatted for quick import to Testcaes Management Tools (Testrail, etc.)
- Tests are designed to use dynamic generated test data where appicable (fakerJS)
- Cypress: Sample Tests (Javascript), Testscases (CSV)
- Playwright: Sample Tests (Typescript), Testscases (CSV)
💻 Repo demonstrating various testing scenarios written by the Playwright Dev Team.
👨⚕️ Curated list of awesome tools, utils and projects using Playwright Max Schmitt from the official Playwright team.
🆕 Playwright Change Log stay up to date!
^ Playwright: Sample Tests (Typescript), Testscases (CSV)
💻 Real World Cypress e2e Test Suite written by the Cypress Dev Team.
👨⚕️ Cypress Best Practices and Tips from the Creator of Cypress.
🆕 Cypress Change Log stay up to date!
^ Cypress: Sample Tests (Javascript), Testscases (CSV)
Modern load testing for developers and testers in the DevOps era.
💻 Opinionated starter templates for k6 projects written by Tom Miseur of the K6 Dev Team.
📝 Divio's Grand Unified Theory of Documentation
▶️ Youtube
"... if documentation is not good enough, people will not use it." - Divio
🧑💻 A curated collection of 250+ resources & tools dedicated to UX research
🧑💻 Offical 508 Accessibility Testing for Websites and Software Resources