This is the Arduino software library to control AC loads using triacs and a zero cross detector circuit. The library functions can be used to control the AC load power of each Triac independently, using a single zero-cross circuit.
- Documentation:
- Reference Board: Triac Nanoshield and Zero Cross Nanoshield from Circuitar
There are different ways to implement zero cross detector circuits. This library is based on the implementation above, but it can be easily adapted to use any type of zero cross detector circuit.
To install, just click Download ZIP and install it using Sketch > Include Library... > Add .ZIP Library in the Arduino IDE.
The following examples are provided:
- DisplayLamps This program transitions 3 lamps in playfull ways to show how they can be controlled. (can be extended to 10 lamps).
- RandomLamps Control 3 dimmable lamps with random values (can be extended to 10 lamps).
- WaveLamps Control 3 dimmable lamps in a wave form (can be extended to 10 lamps).
Copyright (c) 2015 Circuitar All rights reserved.
This software is released under an MIT license. See the attached LICENSE file for details.