A web app to keep track of daily chores
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Table of Contents
The project is a very simple web application that keeps track of daily chores that also has some business rules. I used asp.net for the backend and built a WebAPI. I used various frameworks too listed below.
Angular cli and nodeJS is needed to run the project.
Download Node.js Installer from node-url
Install Node.js and NPM
Run the command below in cmd to install Angular cli
npm install -g @angular/cli
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ali-tunahan/ChoreChartWebApp.git
Run the SQLQuery.sql query to create a database (I used SQL Server Express)
Insert the location of the database to Backend\DataAccess\Concrete\EntityFramework\ToDoListContext.cs
Run the WebAPI (I used visual studio to build the backend so you can open the back end folder with vs and just run it)
Run the frontend by running the command below in cmd at the frontend folder
ng serve
Navigate through pages with the navigation bar above.
In chores page press the + icon to add a chore. You can use filtering options to filter listed chores. You can edit delete or set a chore as finished using the buttons under options.
Ali Tunahan Işık - LinkedIn
Project Link: https://github.com/ali-tunahan/ChoreChartWebApp
These resources helped me to learn .Net and Angular for this project