Barry, A. M. (2022). Exploring the molecular underpinnings of neuropathic pain in primary afferent subtypes [PhD thesis]. University of Oxford. ORA
Data is also availale from Barry (2022) (PhD Thesis), GSE216444 and processed results can be queried on our database (DRG Directory).
Allison Marie Barry
Green Templeton College
University of Oxford
[email protected]
Please cite our paper in PAIN for data tables used from these chapters.
~ Population
~ Population + Sex
- DRGsubtype_Zheng2019-genesets.csv : 8 neuronal subtype genesets curated from Zheng et al 2019 (DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.05.039) GSE131230
- DRGsubtype_geneenrichment.csv : Gene enrichment for each subtype in the current study, based on 75% confidence intervals
- DRGsubtype_sex_DEG.xlsx : Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for each subtype, with female reference
- DRGsubtype_sex_DEGoverlap.csv : Overlap in DEGs across subtype
- DRGsubtype_sex_GO.xlsx : GO term analyses using GoSeq (R) for each subtype
- DRGsubtype_sex_GSEA.xlsx : GSEA analyses using ClusterProfiler (R) against all gene sets available from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB). Samples were ranked by LFC.
~ Time_Condition #grouping factor
- DRGsubtype_general-injury_DEG: 3D tab: Ipsilateral vs contralateral samples from 3 days post-SNI (an acute timepoint). 4W tab: Ipsilateral vs contralateral samples from 4 days post-SNI (a chronic timepoint). 4W v 3D tab: Comparison of ipsilateral samples across timepoints.Contains samples from all subtypes. P < 0.05, all LFC.
- DRGsubtype_general-injury_DEGoverlap: overlapping DEGs (LFC>1, padj<0.05) between general 3D and 4W analyses.
- DRGsubtype_gneeral-injury_GSEA: GSEA analyses using ClusterProfiler (R) against all gene sets available from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB). Samples were ranked by LFC.
- DRGsubtype_general-injury_GO: GO term analyses using GoSeq (R) for general comparisons
~ Time_Condition_Population #grouping factor
- DRGsubtype_subtype-injury_opposingDEGs_3D : DEG list (LFC>1, padj<0.05) which are regulated in opposing directions across subtype (+1 = up, -1 = down).
- DRGsubtype_subtype-injury_GO : GO term analyses using GoSeq (R) for each subtype.
- DRGsubtype_subtype-injury_DEG: 3D tabs: Ipsilateral vs contralateral samples from 3 days post-SNI (an acute timepoint). 4W tabs: Ipsilateral vs contralateral samples from 4 days post-SNI (a chronic timepoint). Contains samples from all subtypes. P < 0.05, all LFC.
#Populations subsetted
~ Time_Condition*Sex #interaction model
~ Time_Condition + Sex #additive
Additive model contrasts M vs F
with 4W_ispilateral vs 4W_contralateral
- DRGsubtype_subtype-injury_sexdimorphism_DEG
Otherwise unpublished, please cite this thesis for data used from this chapter.
~ Time_Condition
- ATF3_injury_DEGs: DEGs for 3D or 4W post-SNI.
- ATF3_generegulation_DEGs / transcriptionfactors / generalimmune: Subsets of ATF3_injury_DEGs based on biological/molecular function
- ATF3_injury_GSEA-hallmark : GSEA analyses using ClusterProfiler (R) against hallmark gene sets available from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB). Samples were ranked by LFC.
~ Time_Condition*Sex
- ATF3_sex_DEGs : DEGs for 3D or 4W post-SNI. Contralateral + Female baseline. Injured vs contralateral (injured) and intact vs contralateral (intact) comparisions.
- ATF3_sex_GO : GO term analyses using GoSeq (R) for 3D intact.