Sandbox for playing around with the coreclr.
Requires visual studio 2015 on windows.
- Build coreclr, corefx and roslyn.
- run restore.bat to download nuget and restore packages.
- run getcompiler.bat passing in the roslyn directory as argument.
- run getruntime.bat passing in the coreclr and the corefx directories.
- run build.bat to build HelloWorld.cs.
- run run.bat to execute HelloWorld program. Use debug.bat/ to run inside a debugger.
Requires mono-complete package to compile cs files. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.1.
- Build coreclr and corefx.
- run restore.bat/ to download nuget and restore packages.
- run getruntime.bat/ passing in the coreclr and the corefx directories.
- run build.bat/ to build HelloWorld.cs.
- run run.bat/ to execute HelloWorld program. Use debug.bat/ to run inside a debugger.