Documentation 📚
activate a1 for all components (ba59316 )
Bug Fixes 🐛
breadcrumb: make nxBreadcrumbItem more lenient and add example with context menu and buttons (e4a24ad )
circle toggle: link error message to controls (56ad612 )
context-menu: replace onStable with afterNextRender for zoneless compatability (e7709bd )
context-menu: stop propagation on esc (24e0fb6 )
datefield: add role="button" to the dates in the datepicker (36daeee )
datepicker: disabled selected styling (c55a66b )
docs: replace px with rem (0bc5fd1 )
dropdown: prevent unnecessary macrotasks (7cec758 )
formfield, autocomplete, datefield, multi-select: fix accessibility issues with aria owns (137e136 )
modal: use inert to block content outside of dialog (581b574 )
natural-language-form: replace zone.onStable for zoneless compatibility (7e7d1da )
pagination: improve and maintain focus state (e8448b5 )
popover: fix IntersectionObserver not defined error in SSR when popover can only be opened through client interaction (9a92304 )
popover: set active state for trigger button (d33c2da )
rating: implement radio behaviour (e1c9842 )
table: fix condensed styling (ccb6e11 )
tabs: make tabs ssr ready (77f4235 )
tree: fix errors for undefined treeControl and elementRef with separate declarations (a560ac5 )
word: width of input should adapt to rendered value (1499c01 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.